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The next day after breakfast, which was quite tasteless, Michael left his room and limped into Julia's room. Somehow, she had creeped into his thoughts last night, and he dreamt that she had woken up to the sound of his voice. That thought pleased him, and he hoped that someday she would wake up as he sang.

Michael sat down in the same chair as the day before and leaned forward on the bed. She lay on her back, her arms resting over the covers. She still hadn't moved and it was two days later. He wondered if she could sense everything going on around her. Could she think and hear, but not move? Or was she just in a never ending slumber?

He mumbled a hello to her, but of course she didn't answer. He didn't expect her to, but he still hoped. There was a silence as Michael watched her. Her chest rose and fell at a steady beat, but that was only for the tubes prodding into her.

He quietly began singing the opening lyrics to a random song he had plucked from his mind. His soft voice was the only sound in the room apart from the life support machine and the machine monitoring her heartbeat. His green eyes were focused on Julia as he sang, but not once did she move or respond throughout the song. Michael stopped singing and sighed. He wanted her to wake up. He didn't like seeing her with all these wires sticking into her. He had always hated hospitals.

He debated on whether or not he should sing another song to her. He knew she wouldn't awaken, but he still wanted to sing to her. She had responded yesterday, so there was a chance she would today. Also, Michael liked singing to her. She wasn't able to judge or criticise him. All she could do was listen.

He hummed the tune to another random song. The first half of the song was sung, but Julia still did not move. However, after the second chorus was finished with, Michael caught her pinkie finger twitch sideways. Then, her thumb jerked up. After that, her hand lay still again. Michael smiled to himself.

That was progress.


Fourth update today, what!!

I really like this fanfic :)

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