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Michael didn't get to sing to Julia at all that day. Her family had spent a few hours in her room and after they had left she had been brought off for some more tests. He had spent the day in his room flicking through the music channels on tv and listening to his favourite playlists on his phone.

The nurses came in and told him that he would have to go home soon because they couldn't keep him in there anymore. He had already stayed a week too long, but he just didn't want to go back to his old boring life.

He needed someone to talk to but no one was around to listen. He wanted to tell someone that he was sad. And that's why he picked Julia. She would listen. Maybe she couldn't respond but he knew that she would listen.

He walked into her room, perfectly fine this time as his leg was nearly healed. She lay motionless on her bed, tubes prodding her body. The nasty bruise that was on her face didn't look as bad as it had when he first saw her.

He said hello to her. He told her that he had to go home and that he wouldn't be able to visit as often. He told her that he didn't want to go home. He felt like she understood.

He wanted her to wake up. There was a possibility that she would be like everyone else in Michaels life that didn't care, but he had a feeling that she was different.

He sat on the hard seat next to her. Her hand lay a few inches from his. It was ghostly white and there was a tube pushing through it. His hand creeped forward and touched hers shyly. There was no response. Michael felt how icy her hand was. There was no warmth, as if she was dead. No. She was still breathing.

His warm hand lay over hers and he intertwined their fingers to see what it felt like. He didn't know what it felt like to have a girls hand fit so perfectly in his. And Julia's hand rested in his like it was a piece of a puzzle.

He hummed quietly to her. The song was by one of his favourite bands. It was a sad song, but he loved it.

This time Julia's hand flickered before he had even gotten to the first chorus. It surprised him to actually feel her move. Her hand jumped three more times and fell motionless again.

Her fingers had brushed off his hand. And Michael knew that this girl was meant to find him.


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