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As soon as Michael woke up the next morning two nurses came in with worried faces. Michael knew what was coming. They told him it was time for him to go home, because he was taking up room on people who needed it more than he did. He felt hurt that they wanted him gone, even though he knew he had to go. It wasn't like he was in a hotel where he could stay as long as he wanted.

Going home made him feel like crap, though. The thoughts of going back to the people who wouldn't accept him made him want to get sick. In here the nurses had to take care of him, but at home there was no one for him.

Michael nodded and told them he'd be out of there by this evening and the nurses left. When the door closed behind them and he was on his own again, Michael let the tears fall. It started off with a single drop roll down his cheek and ended up with Michael sobbing on his bed, crying into his pillow. He didn't want to go home. His parents had visited him once, his so called 'friend' didn't send him as much as a text and no one had asked how he was.

What would happen Julia now? Who would sing to her? Who would help her get better?


Oh my god I haven't updated in ages! I'm so sorry :/

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