Chapter 7: Welcome Back

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Hiccup's POV

I wrapped my arms around Astrid as I felt myself waking up, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming and the love of my life hadn't actually shown up on my doorstep in the middle of the night after having been presumably dead for over a month.

I planted a soft kiss on her cheek as my eyes fluttered open. Light snoring filled my ears as I rolled out of bed, smiling from ear to ear. Words couldn't begin to describe how happy I was to have Astrid back.

I got dressed and headed downstairs, surprised to find him still asleep beside the cold coals of the hearth. I was nearly skipping as I went outside to go get Toothless' breakfast from the fish storage, and when I returned, Toothless awaited me with a tilted head and curious eyes as he eagerly wagged his tail, making him look more like a dog than a dragon.

After handing Toothless his breakfast, I made the decision to whip up some breakfast of my own, which I had managed to put on the table by the time Astrid strode down the stairs, making my heart skip a beat.

"Morning to you, m'lady" I greeted as I pulled up a chair for her.

"Morning to you too, Hiccup" She giggled as she sat down in the chair and let me push her into the table. "You made breakfast?"

I nodded, nearly beaming with pride over my creation as I plopped down on the chair opposite of her. "I did, which is why I hope you enjoy it"

She shot me another smile —which made me feel like I was going to melt into a puddle at any moment— before she nearly inhaled the breakfast, clearly hungry after having been on a liquid diet for a little over a month.

"So" I began as I dug into my meal. "Are you excited to see everyone again?"

Astrid paused as she stared blankly at me. "Wow, I can't believe I forgot about that"

I shrugged as I swallowed another piece. "It happens to the best of us"

She chuckled as she slowly shook her head. "Is that so? Because it seems as if there is another thing we've forgotten about as well, actually"

"And what can that be?" I raised my brow at her.

Astrid shook her head with yet another chuckle as that playful smirk of hers appeared on her face and she raised her hand, giving me a good view of the silver band on her finger, with an axe and her name engraved onto it.

"Ah, yes" I grinned at her as we laced our fingers together. "The wedding"

She gazed at me with that gorgeous smirk of hers. "You know, I was thinking maybe we should start planning it after we announce to everyone that I am alive"

"That sounds like a plan" My grin stayed on as I placed a kiss on her knuckles, but our little moment was interrupted by the front door flying open, sending Toothless three feet in the air before he settled down once more.

"Hiccup!" Gobber burst in, panting heavily as Gothi and the rest of our friends all filed into our home. "We're terribly sorry, but —"

The invaders all landed their eyes upon Astrid, unable to move for a second before exchanging confused looks with each other.

"Yes, Gobber?" I tilted my head to the side as I awaited his clearly very important news, even though I had the slightest idea what he wanted to tell me.

"Astrid?" Fishlegs' face lit up. "You're alive!"

Fishlegs ran over to Astrid, wrapping her in a tight hug before the rest of our friends snapped out of their trances as well and came running over, hugs in store.

"But we thought—" Gobber blinked rapidly as he and Gothi shared a confused look before raising their brows at Astrid.

"I'm perfectly fine, Gobber, no need to worry. I simply woke up in the middle of the night and found my way home, that's it" Astrid shot me a warm and loving smile as our eyes locked and she gave my hand a light squeeze.

"That's disgusting, you guys, get a room" Snotlout stated as he turned his gaze away from us.

I raised my brow at him. "You do realize this is our house, right?"

"How did he take the news?" A familiar voice laced with worry came from outside the house, and I immediately recognized it.

"I'm right here, mom, you don't have to ask Gobber how I'm doing" I replied, my voice drenched in sarcasm as Astrid sent a rather stern look my way, probably because she thought my reply was a little rude.

My mother poked her head in, and her face instantly lit up as she laid eyes on Astrid. "Astrid, you're alive! I am so happy to see you!"

My mother nearly ran over to Astrid before she wrapped her in a big hug, making it seem like she forgot I was only a few feet away.

"I'm happy to see you as well, Valka" Astrid grinned at my mother.

After our closest had the opportunity to catch up a little with Astrid, they eventually left, leaving us with some well deserved space.

I sank back into my chair, taking a deep breath. "My gods, was that exhausting"

A smirk appeared on Astrid's face. "Maybe you shouldn't come tonight, then"

I groaned as I massaged my temples. "Please don't tempt me"

"Don't worry, babe, it'll be over soon" Astrid smiled as she walked over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Now, get up, we got some villagers waiting"


We sat at the Chief's table, side-by-side with both my mother and our friends as we watched the rest of the island file into the Meade Hall, whispering to each other with furrowed brows and confused expression as they probably wondered if it was really Astrid sitting beside me.

As everyone had settled down, I stood up from my seat, signaling for them to stay silent as I presented them with my information.

"Hello, everyone" I smiled at the sea of people gathered in the Meade Hall. "You are probably wondering why I asked you here today, and since I know you dislike when I blabber on for ages, I'll just get straight to the point. As you can all see, Astrid Hofferson is alive and well"

Cheers and clapping erupted through the hall as I took Astrid's hand in mine, smiling from ear to ear.

"But that isn't all I wanted to talk about today. You see, before the attack of the Razor Claws and Astrid's memory loss, I asked her a very important question" Our eyes met as low mumbling came from all around and even the people at our table were getting curious. "I asked Astrid to marry me, and she said 'Yes'"

Gasps emerged from all around as another round of cheering followed, only this time with a round of 'Congratulations!' and 'I can't wait!' added to the mixture. My mother wrapped both me and Astrid in a big hug before we earned even more hugs and a good amount of pats on the back.

I beamed with both confidence and pride as I gripped Astrid's hand even tighter. "Thank you, thank you all!"

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