Chapter 23: The Boy

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Hiccup's POV

I kept my distance from the house as much as I possibly could. I couldn't stand the sight of it, I couldn't stand the thought of what had happened in it and I couldn't accept the reality that Heather was in there at that moment, cradling a young boy she claimed was my son. But what could I do? It's not like I could just turn away my only child and it's mother!

As the sun rose in the sky, Toothless and I decided to leave the Meade Hall for the first time that day. We had been cooped up in the Meade Hall all night and one could say that I missed my soft and toasty bed just a little. After a quick second to take in the lovely weather, Toothless and I headed down to the docks, here Johann stood with a wide smile and his arms outstretched.

"Master Hiccup and his night fury, how lovely it is to see you this afternoon!" Johann exclaimed as he walked up to the two of us.

"It's good to see you too, Johann." I returned his smile as I gave his outstretched hand a firm shake.

"How are things with the wife? Any little heirs on the way?" Johann asked as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, only to let his own face fall as he noticed my reaction.

I knitted my brows together as images from the day before filled my mind and dragged my entire mood through the cold, dark mud, reminding me of what I had lost. "I wouldn't say I'm on the best terms with my wife at the moment, Johann, so there probably won't be any heirs showing up any time soon."

Johann let out a gasp as his eyes widened and his hand flew to his mouth. "How terrible that is to hear, Master Hiccup."

I forced my heavy shoulders to shrug as I shot the Trader a small smile. "Thank you for your concern, Johann, but I believe you are here for reasons entirely different than the state of my marriage?"

"Oh yes, I nearly forgot!" Trader Johann began to fumble through his pockets before he pulled out a small scroll, which had neatly wrapped with a red ribbon. "This is for you."

I nearly snatched the scroll out of Trader Johann's hands before pulling on the ribbon and reading through the letter.

To whomever this may concern,

A 2 year old boy has gone missing from his home on Coast Island. The boy has been missing since last week, and he was last seen playing outside his home on the outskirts of the island.

The boy has short, auburn hair, brown eyes and freckled cheeks. If you happen upon him, we beg of you to send him back home to his concerned parents.

Yours truly,
Chief Hounder Of Coast Island.

My eyes widened in surprise and recognition as I began connecting the many dots that had appeared in my mind, filling me with a spark of hope. Perhaps Henry wasn't my son after all?

"Thank you for this, Johann, but I've got to get going now. Until next time!" I excused myself as I hurriedly climbed atop Toothless and took off towards Gobber's forge, where I knew I would find the one person that could help me with my newfound problem. As we touched down outside Gobber's forge, we were met by the rather unexpected sight of Heather and Henry, standing outside, doing Thor knows what.

"Heather?" I asked as I slid off Toothless' back and made my way over to the pair.

"Hiccup! I haven't seen you all day, how are you?" Heather's face lit up with a smile as she gazed at me, bouncing what seemed to be a sleepy toddler on her hip.

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