Chapter 20: What Happened To Us?

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Hiccup's POV

"I'm so incredibly sorry, Astrid, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I apologized to my wife, whom I technically hadn't seen in over a year, as she loosened the straps on Stormfly's saddle.

"It's fine." She replied, her voice devoid of emotion as she lifted the saddle off the nadder's back and hung it up outside the stable box.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I followed her outside, unable to tear my gaze away from her swollen eye and bruised arms.

"Yes, Hiccup, I'm sure." She replied, sounding mildly irritated as she picked up her axe and marched out of the stables. And like the outstandingly amazing husband I was, I followed after her.

I shot her a warm smile as I finally managed to catch up to her, and that was when I noticed the deep cuts on the side of her neck and all over her arms.

If I had missed that when I was standing only a few feet away, what else could I have missed that had been hidden from sight under her ragged clothes?

I furrowed my brows as I placed myself in front of her, forcing her to stop. "Astrid, shouldn't you get that checked with Gothi?"

Astrid clenched her jaw as she narrowed her eyes at me. "I would prefer a nice bath before I do that, seeing as I haven't had one in weeks."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even think about that! How about I fetch you some fresh clothes while you soak?" I asked, trying not to let her attitude get to me.

"I would appreciate that, thanks." She said in the same cold tone as earlier as she pushed past me and made her way towards the house.

I couldn't help but furrow my brows in concern at her. It had been years since she had acted so cold and devoid of emotion towards me, and I couldn't help that gnawing feeling in my gut that was telling me it was all my fault, since I had let her rot in a cell on Berserker Island.

No, no, it couldn't have been that, right? Astrid must've understood that I had thought she was with me the entire time, and the second I knew she wasn't, I went out to search for her. Yes, Astrid was logical enough to understand that, I just hope she didn't interpret my retelling of the events of the past year in the wrong way.

Toothless came waddling up beside me, head slightly tilted as he cooed up at me. I ran a hand over his head before I scratched him under the chin, my gaze locked onto the house, in which Astrid had stormed in mere seconds before.

I glanced down at Toothless, brows drawn together. "We're going to be okay, right?"


At dinner, the whole town had gathered in the Meade Hall to welcome Astrid back. My mother, Gobber and the rest of my council had sat down at the head table and were chatting gleefully as we awaited the guest of honor.

"I still can't believe we were all fooled by that little girl, Rebekah!" Gobber exclaimed, gesticulating wildly as my mother shook her head slowly.

"Neither can I," She sighed. "But I must admit, I did have my suspicions."

"Oh, really? Then why didn't ye say somethin' sooner?" Spitelout asked my mother with a raised brow and a satisfactory grin, only to earn an eye roll from my mother.

As my mother was about to clap back at Spitelout, the heavy doors to the Meade Hall creaked open, revealing Astrid, who seemed to have been bandaged from head to toe as she walked up to the head table alongside Gothi.

I felt my heart sink in my chest at the sight of her. How much pain was she in? What had those monsters done to my Astrid?

All conversation stopped as the eyes of the entire town fell upon the two of them, who had managed to make their way up to the head table and sat down beside Ruffnut, who was sitting as far away from me as possible. Had she sat down beside Ruffnut on purpose?

I frowned as I watched her being handed her dinner, realizing that she hadn't even looked at me since earlier that afternoon. Gods, it felt like a dagger to the chest.

The rest of the evening remained relatively quiet, seeing as everyone would rather focus on their meals instead of speaking to one another for some odd reason. After what seemed like a lifetime, but was probably around two hours or so, people began heading home, the Meade Hall emptying at a surprising rate. Astrid quickly joined the crowds, right after exchanging a few words with Ruffnut.

I watched her slip out of the Meade Hall, surprisingly agile for someone who had been wrapped head to toe in bandages. And like the caring husband I was, I stood up from my seat and followed right after her, Toothless at my heels.

When I finally caught up with her, she was about to walk up the stairs to our bedroom, and she seemed to be in no mood to talk.

"What do you want now, Hiccup?" She nearly spat, her tone unusually aggressive as she turned to me and wrapped her arms around herself, wincing ever so slightly.

"I'm not sure if you remember, but I live in this house as well." I informed her as I crossed my arms.

She rolled her eyes before letting out an annoyed sigh. "Unfortunately."

I furrowed my brows. She hadn't really just said that? "What?"

"Nothing." She waved dismissively, slightly wincing in pain yet again. I couldn't help but want to reach out to her, be there for her, hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay, but she didn't seem to want me in any way, shape or form, so she just swatted me away. "Listen, Hiccup, I'm really tired, so if you could just please leave me alone for a moment, that would make me very happy."

I blinked, surprised at her reaction. Why was she treating me like some stranger? "Oh, uhm ... Alright then, good night."

And without another word or a second glance, Astrid disappeared up the stairs, leaving me dumbfounded as I leaned against the table. I exchanged a look with Toothless, who seemed to be just as concerned as me.

Not too long after, I too decided to venture up to the bedroom, where I found Astrid already deep in her sleep as she was curled up at the edge of the bed, which again was something very unlike her, who usually enjoyed sleeping like a starfish.

I changed and slipped underneath the covers, drifting away merely seconds after I rested my head on the pillow.


I woke up abruptly in what I believed to be the middle of the night, judging by how dark the room was, panting heavily as I sat up in bed to catch my breath.

After taking a moment to pull myself together, I let my gaze wander around the room, where I spotted Toothless sleeping peacefully in the corner and the other half of my bed empty. And the other half of my bed empty?!

A wave of panic rushed through me as I frantically searched the dark room for Astrid, who was no where to be found. A symphony of bad scenarios raced through my mind as I feared the worst.

I nearly leaped down the stairs, ready to speed out the door and scour the entire island for my missing wife, before I realized that there was someone laying on the couch. I tilted my head to the side as I slowly crept over to Astrid, who was sleeping soundly on the couch, her many cuts and bruises not seeming to bother her in the slightest as her shoulders rose and sunk in a calm and peaceful manner.

I couldn't help but smile at her, who was looking so carefree, but my smile instantly faded as I began wondering why she had moved down to the couch of all places, instead of staying in our warm bed.

I furrowed my brows as I looked down at her. What had happened to us?

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