Chapter 11: The Wedding

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Hiccup's POV

I looked around the Meade Hall in complete awe, I had never seen it look so good. All the tables had been covered with white tablecloths and had gotten a bouquet of beautiful, freshly-picked flowers neatly placed upon them. The same flowers had been draped around the large columns, giving the Meade Hall a forest feel. At the altar was a large arch, made out of thick flower braids and white fabric. Lined up on both sides of the aisle, were several rows of wooden benches, which were in the process of being filled by the crowds that were filing in.

"I'm impressed" I admitted to Toothless, who watched the scene from beside me, where we stood by the table we would eat dinner at later. Toothless tilted his head to the side before nodding.

"Hiccup, it's time for you to get in place!" Gobber announced as he shoved me down a few feet ahead of the altar, which he had ordered for Toothless to position himself beside.

It didn't take long before my friends made their appearance at the Meade Hall, all looking dapper in their finest attire as they plopped down on the front row, right beside my mother, who seemed to be beaming with pride as she watched me.

I shot my mother a quick smile as the last guests settled down. She reciprocated the smile with such a look of joy I feared she would explode with happiness at any moment.

I took a deep breath as my mind finally wrapped itself around what was going on, I was getting married. I bit down on my lip as paranoid thoughts filled my head and caused my stomach to twist itself into tight knots.

What if she got cold feet? What if she said no?

I shook my head slightly as I cursed myself for even thinking that Astrid would do such a thing to me. I glanced over at Toothless as I smoothed out the last wrinkles on my tunic, only to find him exchanging playful glances with his dragon pals on the other side of the hall. I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

The ringing of bells filled my ears as my thoughts were immediately snapped away from Toothless and my eyes landed upon the guests, who had all risen from their seats, looking expectantly at the large doors. Oh Thor, it was happening. Astrid was going to walk through that door any second and I was certain I would just crumble to dust right then and there.

The heavy door slid open, allowing the bright rays of the sun to flow in and light up the room, nearly blinding me in the process. As my vision slowly returned, I noticed a figure  slowly making their way inside, which I immediately recognized as the woman I was going to marry.

Words couldn't begin to describe how absolutely breathtaking she looked. My knees began to buckle as I crumbled at the sight of her. How was it that I of all people had the privilege to marry this goddess of a woman?

A wide smile lit up her soft, and beautiful face. Her ocean blue eyes sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight and her long, blonde hair looked like woven gold, that had been braided into a thick braid that hung down her back. A flower crown had been neatly placed upon her head, which coincidentally matched both the bouquet she clutched and the rest of the decorations in the Hall.

Her stunning gown hugged her figure, complimenting her body extremely well as she neared me, her cheeks red as the roses in her bouquet and flower crown. As she walked up beside me, I couldn't help but suck in my breath at the sight of her, dear Gods was she gorgeous. A surge of confidence suddenly shot through me as I held out my hand to her, which she gladly took before we made our way up to the altar, where Gobber waited with tears welling up in his eyes.

As we stopped at the altar, standing face-to-face with each other, our guests sat down in complete silence and watched the scene ahead of them intently.

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