Anne's Boyfriend

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When Anne and I were walking down the corridor, someone stuck a foot out and Anne tripped. Someone else grabbed me so that I couldn't do anything to help Anne. I tried to see who was holding me, but that someone was holding my head straight. So I looked at the person who tripped Anne and was now holding her to the ground. I gasped. It was Michael's girlfriend!

'Listen, you runt,' she told Anne,'I saw how you were looking at my boyfriend, so you better keep away from him. If you keep flirting with him, I will spoil something of yours.' She turned to me. 'Maybe your little friend?'
Now Anne was struggling her hardest to get up.
'Stop it, Teressa.' said Michael, who just came to see what was going on. I saw Anne turn rose red.

'Mikey! How great to see you, sweetheart! I thought that maybe we should go to a very expensive restaurant someday?' said Teressa, as if there was nothing going on.
'No,' said Michael. 'I'm sick of you manipulating me and others.'
'Wh-what? Manipulating? You must be ahead of yourself, sweetie,' said Teressa innocently.
'Yeah? Well how will you explain this?!' He pointed to me and Anne. 'You torture other girls for just talking to me, or even looking to me! And stop calling me "sweetheart" or "sweetie"! If you keep doing this, I will break up with you!'
There were a few gasps from Teressa's friends.
'Come on, you - you don't mean it!' Teressa was nearly crying.
'I will stay with you if you stop torturing everyone.'
'B-but they want to get you away from me and-'
'That's IT! We're DONE!' he said lastly. He looked at Anne again, this time he did it that way so she could actually see him. Anne turned red again and blushed. Michael smiled a little.

Anne and I were freed from Teressa's grasp as she and her friends looked at Michael and the gang of girls around him. Most of them were looking into the distance, speechless. Others were comforting Teressa, who was crying her eyes out.
'YOU,' she addressed Anne. 'You will PAY FOR THIS! Don't think you're going to get away just like that! I will do EVERYTHING I CAN to kick you out of this school!' Anne and I were now walking away from Teresa, but she kept screaming and yelling about stuff she's gonna use for us.

After school
I went to the park with Anne. We were talking about girly stuff, like school, internet, cute animals, boys...
'I'm telling you, Michael actually looked at me when they broke up!' Anne said rather enthusiastically. 'It was this magic moment that happens when true love comes! You look at him, he looks at you, and time stops...' She gazed into space while imagining herself and Michael together.
Then Michael came to us.
'Could I talk to Anne? Privately?' He added. I said yes. They went over to a very tall oak tree, with only the top visible from the tiny forest.

At the oak tree
Michael led Anne to the old oak tree. When Michael was sure that nobody will see them, he went behind the tree.
'Anne,' he started,'Listen, I don't know how to tell you this...' This was really awkward. Michael took deep breaths to chill down.
'When I first saw you, I felt that there's something between us. I knew you were no ordinary person. I've seen you in every lesson, I looked at you and thought, she is perfect, just the type for me. I was waiting for the moment I could tell you...' Awkward silence, again. 'I love you, Anne'
Anne felt like she was going to faint, but she kept steady. She gaped at Michael for a while, and then said,
'I love you too!'
Michael immediately brightened up.
'There's something I wanted to ask you... Do you wanna be my girlfriend?'
This time Anne really fainted.

Back at the bench
I was still sitting on the bench in the park, when Michael came running towards me. I didn't see Anne anywhere near him.
'Veronica! Anne has fainted!'
'What?!' I shouted and ran to the big oak tree.
At the foot of the tree laid Anne. I examined her carefully.
'What did you do to her?' I asked Michael sarcastically.
'Nothing! Well, she might've been kinda surprised when I told her something...'
I started laughing. Michael jumped.
'Why the hell are you laughing?!'
'She - she's smiling, and she's kissing the AIR!' I was laughing so much that I doubled-up.
Michael did a face that was mixed with a grossed-out expression and thinking that something or someone is cute.
Michael and I took Anne up by the arms and put her leaning beside the tree, and we kept her standing.
'How do we wake her up?' Michael asked.
'I have a way,' I said. I blocked Anne's nose with my fingers for 10 seconds. She only stopped smiling and kissing the air.
'Wow. It usually works,' I said disappointed. 'You do something now, Michael, and quick!'
He walked around for a while, thinking.
'I know!' he said at last. 'I could do the mouth-to-mouth!'
I can say that I was quite surprised.
'Really? You could do that?' I asked.
'Err, yeah but... could you just, you know...'
'Okay I know what you mean,' I grinned and left Michael alone with Anne.

So you can probably guess what happened next : Michael kissed Anne so she woke up, and they became a pair!

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