The New Girl

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The next day at school...
'Veronica, that was an A-MAZING sleep-over!' Anne screamed when we were heading to our first lesson.
'I would have not survived watching Doctor Who on my own!' I told Anne. She forced me to see one of her favourite films, though she was absolutely TERRIFIED when she saw it first - alone, at night.
'Remember when I ate too much donuts and I went crazy and all-' Anne carried on. I shushed her because the lesson was starting.

The history teacher, Mr Bird, was standing at the front of the class, which wasn't normal for him, as he was always sitting behind his desk and correcting awful tests and homework. He cleared his throat and said in the loud voice of his,
'Today, we will be welcoming a new student to our school,' he pointed at the door, where a girl, who looked very much like Anne, made her way to Mr Bird. 'Go on, introduce yourself.'
'Hiya! My name's Beth Curtis, and I like WWE, art, animals and loads of other things!' She definitely wasn't shy! Actually, now she seemed a LOT more like Anne!
'There's a seat over there beside Anne, Beth,' said Mr Bird. Oh my gosh! Now THAT'S a coincidence.

Beth seemed a pretty good friend - Anne, Beth and I blabbed through the whole lesson about cute puppies and kittens, and we played 'Which do you prefer?', some new game Beth taught us. Basically, you give someone two options and ask which they prefer, simple as that. Anne and I became best friends with Beth!

Wait a second. There won't be any magic lessons! We'll have to sort that out somehow...

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