Chapter 28

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I look over at where the growling voice came from and see him standing there, looking angry.

"Do-...Dad!" I'm so surprised I almost forget who he's pretending to be. Why is he mad? It's not like I'm his actual daughter, so what does he care if I was about to kiss Edrik?

"Bethany, come here." He orders sternly.


"Now." He glares at me, much as a father would glare at his actual daughter if he had caught her kissing some guy.

I know it's what my dad would be doing.

My mind suddenly clears and I feel extremely embarrassed. What am I even doing?

I remember that for the Doctor it wasn't long ago that he actually was a father. A father and a husband. Maybe a grandfather, and probably even a great-grandfather.

It's probably hard for him to say I'm his daughter when he's lost so much. I wonder if he's imagining me as a specific daughter of his, and the mere thought pains me.

I drop my gaze and decide to go ahead and do as he said. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention when Edrik unfastened the seatbelt before, so I have no idea how to get out, and there are no perceivable hints anywhere on the buckle.

"Uhm...Edrik? Can you, me out of this, please?"

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, the ship starts to shake violently, like a huge earthquake.

"It's alright, don't worry, we're simply leaving the atmosphere!" Edrik's voice travels over the noise of everything vibrating.

The shaking and noise seems to go on forever, but soon it ends and everything is quiet again. It's kind of eery now, though.

Somehow, through all of that, the Doctor and Edrik managed to stay upright, and the Doctor comes over to me, giving Edrik a look that could kill. He pulls out his sonic and points it at the seatbelt buckle, activating the sonic and freeing me from my restraints.

As soon as I get myself untangled from all the straps, the Doctor takes my hand and helps me out of the chair, then leads me towards the door.

I look back at Edrik and he gives a small, sad wave. I give him a look that says that I'm sorry I have to leave as the Doctor quickly pulls me out the door.


I watch as the girl and the man leave the room, putting on a sad face for them until they're gone. As soon as they are, I let my mask fall and turn to the control panel.

Surely their ship is connected to mine by now. If so, I am already halfway through phase one.

Even though she didn't tell me how to get to her planet, the ship they came on must have records and navigation's systems that have the information I need in them.

I look through my ship's computer systems and find an extended part. That must be their ship.

One corner of my mouth curls upward into a smug smirk. I didn't even have to kiss her. Most girls take more convincing to take me home with them to their planet.

This one is going to be my easiest endeavor yet.

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