Chapter 31

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I stare at the button Edrik indicated. If I push it...what will happen? He told me before that it was to activate the that the same thing as going to Warp? That's kind of what it sounds like.

So if I push it, it'll take us to Earth. On the one hand, I'll be home. On the other, so will Edrik. And his ships.

My mind is all cloudy again. I promised myself I wouldn't get like this, but...there's just something about him.

He said they were just the Cobbleen who wanted to come along for the ride, right? And a few to defend the main ship. It wouldn't be the first or last time the Doctor was wrong...

"He didn't answer your question, Bethany." The Doctor's voice rings in my ear, almost making me jump. The Doc did something to the translator the Cobbleen gave me and so now it doubles as a communications device. His constant prodding is helping to keep me a bit more grounded, which I guess is a good thing.

I internally sigh. Because he's right. Edrik didn't answer my original question. But his explanation seems reasonable...


"Actually, Edrik...I'm not so sure it's such a good idea to take more ships than absolutely necessary..."

"Come, now, my dear. There really is nothing to worry about. I'll be sure to make peaceful advances so as not to cause alarm. How does that sound? In fact, they may not even realize we're there."

Gosh. Why does he have to sound so reasonable? And why am I so dizzy again? Maybe because he's telling the truth...or...maybe because he's lying...

How in the universe am I supposed to tell the difference?!

I'm so frustrated that I decide to just go with my gut. Which tells me that I love to push buttons and I hate when the Doctor acts like he's so much better than me.

Well, maybe he is. But I don't like the attitude he has about it.

I confidently step forward and slam my hand down on the button.

"Easy, don't want to break it..."

Something suddenly clicks in my brain. "Wait. How did you know what coordinates to set?"

He gives me a confused look. "What?"

"Since I hit the button, we're on our way to Earth, right? But I never told you where Earth is or how to get there."

He steps over and takes my hands in his again, gazing into my eyes and making the world spin. "There is no need to worry, dearest. Nothing can keep me from getting you home. The one place you miss the most." He leans in and kisses my cheek. "Everything will be fine."

"Bethany. His ship has hacked into the Tardis' navigational systems. Make him answer you this time, do not let him distract you."

I feel my face develop a confused frown, fighting this deep need to be trusting. "Edrik...where did you get the Earth's coordinates? How did you know where to go?"

"Please, my dear. Simply sit and wait. We will arrive shortly. Why should the 'how' come into question when we are already on our way? We shall be home soon. In the comforts of Earth's atmosphere and the company of your friends and family."

"And what then, Edrik?" I demand, "What are you going to do to them, huh? Do I even want to know?" Goodness, I need to get some control over my temper.

He looks at me sheepishly and seems to choose his words slowly and carefully. "Well...I was going to try and keep it a surprise, but...I wanted to speak to your father...about a marriage proposal."



Is he proposing? At a time like this? What is this day turning into? A soap opera or something?

"He cannot be serious." The Doc sounds so irritated and possibly even disgusted at the thought. I'm too distracted by my own thoughts right now to notice, though. Whatever thoughts I can manage to hold on to.

"But...marriage? Me? You?" I can't believe it, "You want to marry me?" I don't let him say a word, just keep right on talking. "You. Want me. To marry you. don't even know me! We only just met!"

"Yes. I realize that, but...I truly must tell you that you have stolen my heart and...I must have you by my side for the rest of my life."

The Doctor makes some sort of gagging noise over the communicator and I can just see him rolling his eyes, but I can't help feeling...kind of joyful. He really likes me that much?

Okay, yes. His little mini confession was a bit sappy. But. It was sweet sappy and unfortunately, I love sweet and sappy. And honestly since I really can't think and all I have to go on is how I feel...

"Bethany. Honestly. You can't really-"

"Oh, Edrik..." I almost sound like I'm going to be in tears soon. What is this?

I'm being so stupid. I can't be in love with someone I only met today. And there's absolutely no way he can be in love with me even if he had met me a week ago. That's not how love works. It's not like in all those books I love to read, but...for some reason...I'm finding myself believing him. I can't believe i ever doubted him.

I pull Edrik into a hug and feel his arms wrap around me and for the first time since I opened the Tardis doors, I feel truly safe.

"Bethany. He is trying to distract you. You need to come back to the Tardis and-"

I pull back from hugging Edrik and pull out the earpiece, dropping it to the floor. "Yeah, well, you can shut up." I smile up at Edrik. "I have a fiancé to introduce to my family."

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