Chapter 3

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The room lurches to the side and I fall onto the railing with my stomach, effectively knocking all the air out of me. I gasp as I strain to hold on and make my way to the man as he rolls across the floor. I'm not going to jump to conclusions, but I do have my suspicions of who he is. I won't be sure, though, until I talk to him. If and when he wakes up, that is.

He rolls hard into the outside railing with his back and I jump towards him, hooking my arm under both of his as the room lurches again, going almost completely sideways. We hit another railing and I feel his weight crushing me, my back protesting greatly. I hook my free arm around one of the railing's bars and hold on tightly. One more knock to his head and he'll definitely need medical attention. The same goes for me. Eventually, everything comes to a noisy, uneasy, jolting halt.

When I'm sure it's over, I hesitantly let go of the railing, hoping it doesn't start up again. I carefully lay the man down and pull out my phone, checking for signal. Even after walking around the entire console room, though, I can't find any at all. I grumble to myself and tap it lightly on the platform's outside railing. "I wish I had universal calling..." I mumble sarcastically to myself; what I always do when I can't find signal.

I freeze and slowly turn to look at the man still laying near the outside railing where I left him. If he's who I think he might be...

I walk over to him, pocketing my phone, and kneel next to him, reaching my hand out and hesitating just before touching his jacket. I find myself suddenly worried that he'll wake up if I touch him. Which is silly, considering he didn't even stir throughout the entire episode of rolling around and being thrown into things.

I take a breath and, holding it, set my hand on the flap of his jacket. I sigh in relief when he continues sleeping. I carefully pull the jacket open slightly and feel inside for a pocket. Finding one, I reach in and pull out what's inside: either a really good imitation sonic screwdriver...or....

Well...time to find out.

I stand and pull my phone back out.

My heart quickens as I take the sonic in my hand and position it over my phone. I look down and stare at the man for a moment. I close my eyes. "Okay. Just do it quick. Like a band-aid. It's not him. This is all an elaborate joke and he's going to laugh at you afterwards."

I open my eyes with new determination. That's probably all it is: Something to mess with poor obsessive and unsuspecting Whovians who just so happen to look inside. That worker from before was probably in on it, too. I'll make sure he pays for this when I get out of here.

I press the button and the built-in sound effects come on, ringing in my ears slightly. Nothing happens. Not even a slight increase in signal.

I grin. I knew it. Just some prank. I almost start laughing, but before I can, my phone makes a snapping sound and spews sparks. I drop both devices and cover my face with a short scream, turning away reflexively.

After a moment, I uncover my face and quickly grab my mobile. Its' screen is black and it won't turn on.


I grumble and put my phone back in my pocket before picking up the sonic. I stare hard at it before turning to stare down at the mystery man, almost sure of who he is, but not quite ready to, or wanting to, believe it.

I stare at the sonic again and, slowly kneeling down, carefully return it to where I found it. After standing, I look around. "Okay, you." I point at him, "Don't move."

I crawl around and find the little hidden storage area under the floor. I pull it open and start rummaging through it. I pull out a couple of boxes, going through them, and find the most random things: a rubix cube, a lightbulb, a couple of shoestrings, a little...bumpy....round....thing...and lots of other stuff. I finally sit up and twist around to look at him. "Okay, I know it's here. You always have it somewhere close."

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