Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 2

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A/N ok the pic is of a character that comes and helps them, you'll see what I mean around the end of the chapter... BTW I do not own the picture. They switch between costumes.

Anakin's P.O.V

I looked around the deserted base, strange why isn't there was someone one the com-link channel and no one. I thought to myself, Ahsoka must have been thinking the same thing and she looked at me and said "Were is everyone?"

"I'm not sure Snips." I replied looking around, we walked into the command center and the room was pitch black. We got our light lightsabers, to give us some light. We took a few steps in, I looked around at the empty control room. Ahsoka walked over to the window and looked out, while I checked the computers.

"Someone Hot Wired the all clear signal." I said.

"That means...." But before Ahaoka got to finish a gun fired right above my hand. Ahsoka and I turned to see a man dressed in dark armor.

"That was a warning shot, I didn't have to miss." He said looking at his gun.

"Who are you?" I said narrowing my eyes.

"You can call me Blade." He said, then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small metal ball then threw it in the middle of the room. Instantly smoke filled it and we started coughing, and everything went black.

When I woke up General Grievous was standing over me.

"Well Skywalker it seems you have fallen to the Speritise new allies." He said, in the back round I saw Blade leaning against a wall.

"Excuse me General?" Asked a droid who walked into a cell.

"What!" He barked at it.

"Count Doku request that you contact him." It said.

"Fine...Blade!"... He said turning "... I want you to keep any eye on them." Then he stormed out.

"Alright come on." Blade said to me, pointing a gun at me. I stood up my hands were bonded behind me. I lead me to a prison cell and forced me in. Inside was Ahsoka, Rex, Cody and two other Clones.

"Finally, your here." Said a girl who was leaning against a wall.

"Bord?" He asked.

"How did you ever guess." She said sarcastically. He just gave her a long stare and then shrugged.

"The sooner we finish this job the better." He said walking out of the cell. I turned my attention back to Ahsoka, Rex and Cody.

"I'm glade to see your alright sir." Said Rex.

"Yeah, me too and who are you three?" I asked.

"My decision is CT-5555, sir."

"We call him Fives, I'm Heavy and this is Echo, General." Said Heavy.

"Master, who are we going to get out of here." Ahsoka said.

"I'm working on it." I said.

"Well I might suggest that you take about it after I leave, because taking about you escape plan in front of your enemy is quite stupid." Said a voice from behind us. All of us turned, but before anyone could say or ask anything he said.

"My name is Redblood and I've been standing here about since the time where the Clones got captured." He said. He was wearing a dark black and blood red armor, but he showed his face he had black hair, dark green eyes and his skin color was basically white.

Then he started to walk towards us and he said in a low voice "Now, the reason I'm here is to get some information."

"We'll never tell you anything." Said Ahsoka.

"Never is quite a long time, but I wasn't finished. First you will tell me because if you don't you won't like what happens after wards." He said narrowing his eyes.

"Sorry but it is heard to break a Jedi." I said.

Then he just started laughing "Well actually it is quite easy. You just need to hit the right spots, and I won't be torturing you. I'll be doing it to one of those three."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I found with Jedi that there companion is one of your weakness. So..." He said walking over to one of the other Clones "...this will be very simple. If you lie to me he gets hurt, if you don't tell me he gets hurt and if you piss me off more the five times I'll cut out your tongues. Understand?" He asked. I just have him a long glare.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said smiling wickedly. He grabbed Echo by his arm and dragged him a few feet away form everyone else.

"So let's begin." He said as he took out a dagger and pressed the tip right under his chin, enough to draw blood.

Third Person Narrative...

About three hour passed and finally Anakin gave up and told Redblood what he wanted to know.

"There, now that wasn't so hard now; was it." Said Redblood, ship evilly, He picked up his blade and walking out of the cell. Hevy, Fives and Ahsoka went over to Echo.

"Echo? Are you alright?" Asked Fives. Echo just groaned and moved slightly.

Ahsoka's P.O.V

How could some people be so cruel! I thought to myself, as I leaded against a cell wall. We didn't have anything to patch Echo up with, but we tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

"Are you OK snips?" Asked Anakin.

"No not really master..." I began, but my sentence was interrupted by the cell door opening and in walked a guy in black armor (A/N see being pic); he had a bag with him. He looked around at us, when he glanced at Echo he just stared for a few moments then walked in quickly. Walked over to him bent down and took out a small bottle poured in on to the bandages, then quickly started bandaging some of his wounds. Then he walked over to Me and Anakin and handed us our lightsabers, then he handed the Clones there armor and there weapons. Then two droids passed the door, they did move or have a chance to speak, the man wearing the black armor shore them. I didn't even see his gun, he gave a short sigh and signed us to come.

"Who are you?" Asked Anakin. He didn't reply just started heading out the door. All of a sudden he stopped, he did seem to be moving or breathing for that matter.

"Hey are you OK?" I asked. Then a gunshot rang out and he jumped back.

"Now who might you be?" Asked Raya pointing a gun at him. He just didn't move, or at least we didn't see because a gunshot fired and knocked Raya back against the wall. Then within seconds he had the gun pointing right between her eyes, she started to shake and her eyes filled with fear. He gave her a long look, looked down the hall and took off running.

"Come on." Anakin said. Fives and Rex helped carrier Echo, and Cody helped Hevy because he was still injured.

We found a hanger and stole a ship, we started up and got out of there but for some reason no one tried stopped us.

Later after we got back to Obi-Wan and I was alon with Anakin I asked "Master? Who was that guy who saved us?"

"I'm not sure Snips, but hopefully he's on our side." He replied.

A/n: ok tell me what did you think of this? The next part I'm not sure what it will be of, but I try to get it out as soon as possible.

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