Ash and Rex

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Rex's P.O.V

"I can't believe I agreed to this." Said Ash behind the door.

"Well we need someone to infiltrat this place and your sister said you were the best one." I said outside.

"Yes, but your my escort and you don't know what my job is at this infiltration." She replied.

"And what is it?" I ask.

"A singer." She replied.

"You sing?" I say shocked.

"Yes and there a lot of things I can do that you don't know." She replied.

"You don't like singing?" I ask.

"I do, but I only like singing in front of my close friends and family." She replied.

10 minutes later...

"Are you really yet?" I ask.

"Are we there yet?" She replied.

"Almost." He said.

"Then I'm almost ready." She said.

"Don't rush her or else she'll take longer." Said Xander coming up go me.

"She has been in there for 5 hours, how long does girls to get ready?" I say. Xander laughed lightly and said "A long time, but usual Ash can through on a shirt and a skirt and be fine. But if she has to look like a goddess she takes her time."

"Goodness?" I ask.

"Well not really a goddess, I just said that so she wouldn't kill me." He said?

"You know I can hear that." She said.

"Its true." He replied.

"Your probably right." Ash said as she walked out. Her black hair with red Hi-lights hung in curls at her shoulders and she wear a red dress.

"You look wonderful." Said Xander.

"Yeah, but I know what your thinking." She replied. I couldn't really talk, she looks amazing! I thought.

"I'm being honest." Said Xander defensively.

"I have to be in the part, the next time you see me in a free will be when I get married." She said.

"Ok, and does that mean I have to wear a suit?" said Xander.

"Yes." She replied.

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind." He said.


I watched Ash walk on stage and walk up to the mike and say "I know you might rather, the girl who usually sings but since she is ill she called me. But I won't bore you anymore, I'll be singing a song that I wrote."

Then she began singing and she was amazing...

After mission....

"You wear amazing." I said.

"At the fighting or singing?" She asked.

"Both." I say.

"Well thank you." I replied, then she was about to go into her room and then she truned around and hugged me.

"Thanks for being a good friend." She said then walked back into her room.

"Sooooo." Said Fives coming up next to me.

"Say anything, I'll have you clean this whole ship with a toothbrush." I replied. He just smiled at me.

A/N: I know this one was a little strange but I wanted to build more on Ash and Rex's relationship, but don't worry the next one will be more exciting...

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