Ally and Ghosts

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A/N: I know I said this is not going to be in chronological order, so I'm just saying this is a months after my chapter "Domino Squad's first assignment"

Rex's P.O.V

I took a sharp breath as I waited for the gun ship to land, we got a distress call form one of our bases and we were ordered to check it out.

"Ok look alive men." Said Anakin as we moved out of the ship. "Ahsoka you take some troops and meet me back her at 16:00 (aka 6:00pm) and if you see anything weird call me."

"Alright master." She said taking her squad out down a second hall way. I followed Anakin to the control room, I looked around the room there was no blast mark but there were dead Clones; I can't say what killed them because there was no mark on them.

"Weird." Anakin said as he walked over to the computer.

"What do you think happened here, General?" I asked.

"I'm not sure Rex, ever since the sepertice got there new allies things have been weird and unexplainable." Anakin said. Just then the door to the air vent started to shake and in dropped a black figure, all the troops aimed there guns.

"Stand down. This is the person who has been helping the Republic..." Anakin said as he moved forward, the troops relaxed and so did I " what are you doing here?" Anakin asked and of course he didn't really just walked passed him to the ground by a wall.

"You know you'll have to talk at some point... Unless you can't." Said Anakin more to him self then him.

"I can talk, I just prefer not too." He said, which shocked Anakin and I was happy I had my helmet still on because I smiled when I saw his expression.

"Then can you tell me what you doing?" He asked and of course he didn't reply just kept looking around the floor.

"Looking for something." He said after a few moments of silence.

"And I take it you won't tell us." He said.

"I would, but you probably won't believe me." He said standing up and looking in the direction of me and Anakin, then he walked toward and saw said "I see your having some trouble with getting the computer to work."

"Umm.....yeah." Replied the Clone who was trying to get the computer back up.

"Let me." He said taking over and within a short few moments it was up and running.

"Master..." Said Ahsoka coming in next to Anakin "...the only thing we found is dead troopers but we can't identify how they died." She said and then turned to our new ally. "Oh Hi." She said presently, he just nodded in her detection. A few minutes passed the silence felt weird, I could tell Ahsoka was getting was getting impatient.

"What should we call you?" asked Ahsoka.

"You can call me Ash..." He said briefly. "...and you should check the last transmission beamed form this base." He added.

"And why is this?" Asked Anakin.

Ash simply shrugged and said "because this is what my gut is telling me you should do."

"Alright, check the last transmission." Ordered Anakin. They did a light blue hologram poped up a clone stood there shooting his blaster.

"We need help the bases has been over run by...." Then that was it he just fell down.

"Replay imagine..." Ash said, we did "...freeze frame."

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to the white hologram image.

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