Who are you?

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Rex's P.O.V

"So. Who are you?" Asked Ash getting ready to punch him senseless. The man didn't reply he just stood there, "wow! Why did Redblood pick you to work form him? Almost everyone who works for him can that we were there." Said Ash.

"Oh, I did know you where there. I just decided to ignore it." He said.

"Lie." Said Ash.

"Look were you three are standing." He said. Ash, Xander and I all looked down. There was wires on the floor, and they were all connected to each other. Then we noticed that it was connected to a bomb.

"Of one of you moves. Well there would be a loud boom. So there for I couldn't have been lying and don't try to use your abilities because there strings will be able to sence the flow of power threw your body and will explode instantly." He said calmly.

"Well good thing they told me." Said Owen from behind the guy.

"Damn." I heard him mutter.

"Who are you?" Asked Owen.

"Well that's the million dollar question." He said slowly turning. Then he quickly brought out his sword, flipped over Owen and grabbed him and pressed his blade to his throat.

"Now. You are going to let me go and take that dagger with me." He said.

"We're did you learn to move that fast? And moves like that?" Asked Owen shocked.

"Redblood." He said calmly. "Now are you going to let me go?"

"No. Not really." Said Owen. Then Owen somehow threw  the mystery out the window.

"Hang tight and don't move." Said Owen to us then he jumped out the window.

Third Person Narrative

Owen landed on the ground with a soft thud. He walked forward a few steps before he stopped and carefully stepped over the wire.

"Where are you?" Owen muttered as he reached for a small dagger that hung on his side. He heard the swish of a blade and he duked only to be met with a kick in the chest. Then before he could recover he felt someone garb the back of his neck. The mystery man just held it in a certain way and then Owen couldn't move.

"I'm very sorry for this." He whispered to Owen. Then he knocked him out and gentle placed him down on the ground. Then waved his hand over him and he disappeared.

"Hold it right there." Said Echo.

"Get out of my way." He said.

"Make me." he replied.

"If you insist." He said. Then he ran at him, with his hands behind him and then black mist started gathering around his hand; then formed into a sword with a black blade. Echo got into an attack position and the mystery man raised his blade to attack him and he went into a block but he tricked him and cut him in the leg. Echo bent over and the mystery man kicked him in the head doing a back flip. Echo was surprised and fell backwards.

"I believe I should go now." He said. Then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

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