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Shatter's P.O.V

I was leaning against the rock wall, I was trapped under 25 feet of dirt with Waxer and Echo. Also Captain Rex, General Skywalker, Commander Ahsoka, Five and a clone trooper named Hardcase.

"Do you think you one of you can get out of here?" I asked.

"No, the one thing I can't do is control anything that has to do with earth." Replied Waxer.

"I can only Teleport myself and do you think they will even want us to help. We betrayed the Republic and...." Echo said and I cut him off by saying "I know, this is one of the hardest facts I have to live with."

He was quiet after I said that but I could tell he understand why I said that. Also why I reached that why, the another hard fact that Redblood put me incharg of them and if we didn't complete the mission or someone made a mistake I was the one who was punished. I looked over at Captain Rex, General Skywalker, Commander Ahsoka, Five, and Hardcase, they were all talking in a corner of the cave we feel into.

"Can you see anything with those eyes of yours?" Asked Waxer.

"Probably." I replied. I closed my eyes beneath my mask and focused when I opened them, I saw threw the walls of the cave. I saw rocks and dirt, then I truned my attention to the wall that was at the furthest end of the cave.

"What do you see?" Asked Echo.

"Um....a tunnel." I replied.

"What?" They both asked at the same time.

"That wall over there is false, my guess is there is a panel somewhere to open it." I said looking around.

"I have a question for the three of you." Said General Skywalker. I quietly turned off my power and turned to face him.

"Why did you leave the Republic?" He asked.

"Because Redblood focused us too, not by death but by threatening us. He said he could easily kill any clone we were close to and destroy Kamino." I said my voice not giving away the fear I had inside.

"And form beginning prisoners of his for a while we know that he could do that without breaking a sweat." Added Echo. He nodded understandingly and I could tell that he knew that we didn't want to leave the Republic and especially join forces with Redblood. Also he knew we weren't lying.

"Well then we'll work on a way to get you three back, but first we should get out of here." He said.

"We can probably help with that." I said.

"Really, how?" Asked Commander Ahsoka.

"That wall over there is fake." I said pointing behind me.

"How do you know?" Asked General Skywalker.

"Um....you probably are aware that we have powers.....so that's how." I said not sure of how to anwser that properly.

It took us a few minutes to find the secret panel, I didn't want to use my powers unless necessary. It takes a lot of construction and energy so I only use it unless I have too.

"We need some light, and I don't think our lightsabers or the light on there helmet's will be enough." Said General Skywalker.

"Well we might have an idea that might work." I said. I turned to Waxer and he nodded, he held out his hand and a ball of fire appeared above it. Everyone's jaw dropped.

We were walking down the cave I was in the back. Echo was apologizing to Fives and Waxer was talking with Hardcase. I sighed and relaxed a little.

"Shatter?" Asked Captain Rex.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I was want to know when Redblood came to you three why didn't you call for backup?" He asked.

"Because we would have been dead if the thought even came into our heads. And if a crazy psychopath was right in front of you threatening you and you knew that he called do all he said and more would you move?" I asked him.

"Good point." He replied. I took a few steps then I heard a small click.

"Everyone get down!" I yelled, pushing Rex to the floor. Every dropped and a needles came shooting out, that would have tore us to bits. After even needle was fired we stood up and I waked over and pulled out a needle from the wall.

"Poised tipped." I said as I dropped it.

"What was that and how did you know?" Asked Ahsoka.

"A booby trap and I heard a small click and I assumed that it was a trap." I replied.

"Ok, perhaps you should lead if you can spot these traps." Said Anakin.

"Ok." I replied. I walked to the front of everyone and I closed my eyes and let turned on my power.

We walked for about 25 minutes down a long hallway and we avoided many death traps. We came to two long passages, I looked down both.

"Which way?" Asked Anakin.

"Neither. That one leads to a bottomless pit and that one leads to a room filled with poisonus gases." I said.

"Then which way?" Asked Rex.

"Um....I'm not sure." I replied. I leaned against a wall to think but the wall gave way and I fell about four feet.

"Are you OK?" Called Waxer.

"Fine! Just a broken arm!" I yelled up. They jumped down and we looked down the hall.

"Hey Waxer over can you light this?" Asked Echo holding a torch. Waxer lit it and the part we were in light up. There was two dig oak doors it took all of us to push it open.

"What the Hell." I heard Hardcase say.

"You can say that again." I muttered walking forward. There was a pillar in middle of the room with a light shining over it. There was a hole in middle of the pillar, I looked into it but saw nothing.

"Hey. What's this?" Asked Waxer holding up a perfect ball, it started to glow and zoomed by the hole and went in. I backed up and all of us stood looking in shock. Then there was a flash of blue light.

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