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A/N I would like to thank ChristianWriter16 for all there support for this story.

Rex's P.O.V

"So you can't feel anything?" Ash asked worried.

"No." I replied.

"There has got to be something we can do." She said standing up and pacing.

"You heard Owen, magic can't heal it." I said.

"There has got to be something!" She yelled pushing a hole threw the wall. I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it. The door opened and Owen walked in with Xander, Fives and Echo.

"How are you?" Asked Fives.

"Besides the fact that I can't feel my legs?" I asked.

"Well. Yeah." He replied.

"Good. I guess." I said turning my head towards the window.

"Well there is some good news and some bad news." Said Owen.

"Ok, bad news first." Ash said.

"As we know Redblood captured Shatter, well after some research Shatter might be also part of another prophecy. And there is no possible care unless the person who made the poisons fixes it. And Lucifer is dead." He said.

"And how is Shatter being part of another prophecy bad news?" Asked Ash.

"I'll explain later." Said Owen.

"And the good news is?" I asked.

"Is that there maybe a way to fix it momentarily, but I still have to look it up. And Nick is back to normal." He said.

"This week can't get any weirder or worse." Said Ash.

"Never say that. Fate always haves a way to ruin your life." Said a voice coming form behind Fives and Echo.

"Nick." Breathed Ash.

"Hiya sis." He said with a smile. She ran over and hugged him then punched him.

"You idiot! I thought you were dead! How could you have not sent something to me to let me know you were alive!" She shouted at him.

"Because Redblood kept..." He started to say.

"Thats it Redblood is dead!" She said storming out of the room.

"Someone should go talk to her before she dose something stupid and I don't think it will be a good idea for me too." Said Nick getting up off the floor.

"I can do that." Said Xander.

"Well I have some research to do." Said Owen walking out of the room and then Fives and Echo left.

"Listen. Rex? I'm very sorry for stabbing you, Redblood had me under his control and believe me that spell is almost impossible to break." He said sitting down.

"I do understand." I replied.

"You make her happy." He said.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"My sister. Ash, but if you do anything to hurt her in anyway. I promise that I'll make Redblood look like the nicest guy in the world. " He said to me threw gritted teeth. I just nodded.

"Good." He said.

Shatter's P.O.V

I finished the book and put it off to the side, I got up and walked around the room. Suddenly Redblood appeared out of nowhere.

"What?" I asked darkly.

"Calm down and sit down." He said but I stood there.

"I just the I should tell you that Captain Rex is paralyzed as of this moment." He said.

"As of this moment?" I asked raising an eye brow.

"Yes, I made a poison that can paralyze someone and the only way to fix it is if I undo it with my powers or give him the antidote." He said.

"You're telling me this why?" I ask.

"Well it gives you a reason to join me, since if you do I can always heal him." He said.

"Sorry I think he will be one of the first people to tell me not to join you no matter what." I said.

"That's true, but what if they wanted you dead?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Well let's just say that you are part of a prophecy that predicts the destination of all humanity and everything. Also they don't like who your father is?" He asked.

"Two things one what prophecy? And two I don't have a father, I'm a clone." I replied.

"Here are my answers to both of those things, one there is a prophecy that says one of the guardians will join the dark guardian and help him take over the world and you are not a clone. You just look like one because of a spell." He replied.

"Ok give me proof about the prophecy and I'm not a clone." I said.

"Gladly." He said. He walked over to the shelf and pulled out a book and turned to a page and handed the book to me. I took it and read the page, "And there might be a guardian that will also turn dark and help destroy the world, the biggest way to tell of this will be true if he is the.....and he will have black blood." I dropped the book, my blood ran cold. He pulled out a knife and grabbed my hand and scratched it. Then pulled off his black gloves and scratched his own hand, and black blood dripped out of it.

"We have the same color blood?" I asked.

"Yes, quite strange." He said.

"Ok, prove to me that I'm not a clone and then I'll think about believing in you." I said.

"I don't have to. Ever since you could remember you never really felt like a clone or part of the republic. You always felt different then everyone else. You always wondered what is the point of this war. What are you fighting for. Tell me I'm wrong." He said to me. I wish I could have said he was but he wasn't, I'm starting to think he is never wrong. I looked at the book on the floor and I saw what I didn't see before "...if he is the son of the dark guardian..."

"No way. You think..." I stammered.

"My best guess, since my wife was pregnant when she disappeared." He said.

"Wait. Back up. You had a wife?" I said. He nodded.

"You can tell if someone is lying, right." He said to me.

"Yes, if I can use my powers." He said.

"Alright." He said. He walked over and took off the metal band.

"You are the guardian to help me destroy the world and your my son. So tell me I'm lying." He said.

"Your....not....lying..." I muttered.

"But I have a few questions. One, how did you not knows about me. Two, why torture me. Three, How do I really look." K said.

"One, I didn't I thought you died when she was killed. Two, I didn't know and it was actually the only way to unlock all your powers. Three, I'm not sure; for that I will have to undo the spell." He said.

"Fair answers." I said.

"Ok here is my question. Will you join me in taking over the world?" He asked. I sat there and thought for a while, then something entered my mind.

"So what's your anwser?" He asked. I opened my mouth and said...

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