Chapter 6

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A/n: Sorry. I was busy at the moment. Here's all chapters so far. (⌒_⌒;)

-1 week after white fang operation-

*Jordan's POV*

'And I'm bored,' I thought to myself as finish beating up Cardin again in the cafeteria and sitting beside Velvet. I sigh a little bit and thank god that I saved her lunch. "You know," I said to myself, "the next time I'm in here, I should put a sign on me saying, 'I'll beat you up when you bully someone.'" "Why would you do that," Velvet asked as I looked at her. "That's an easy question," I said, "Back in my world, bullies were common and suicide happens. They lied their way out of this Labyrinth they're in. I'm sick and tired of this, so I did what I have to do. Stand up and look out those who are weak and being teased a lot. Just like this world... I can turn the tables around." "So," I hear Cardin said as I see him get up, "I don't want to invade and later run off, but is there reason to this. I mean... they're freaks, abominations they don't belong in this world."

"And you sound like my grandmother when she racist talk any races," I said as sipping on my soda, "I can already tell what in hell is going on. I only need be aware of what they do. The White Fang, for example, they need to change their ways. Protesting for their right is ok, but if involves with drugs, violence, robberies, not ok." "So then," Cardin said with a serious face, "how can you change their ways?" "I have a few," I said, "both good and bad ways. Good for the protesters, bad for the terrorist. If this is possible, I'm going to help them out. I don't care if I human or not, I'm join in anyway." "A-and the terrorist," Velvet said as I turn to her. "I don't know if you like it or not," I said, looking down at my Amulet, "but, I have ways of stopping any baddies until they're hurt. I mean, hell, I been through a lot of shit. I have been trained my ass off to kill demons, hunters, human traffickers and other bad groups I can still hurt or kill." Unknown to me, I looked around to see that everybody were surprised, that I do those kind of things.

" Kill people," I heard Russell said. "Uh... Yeah," I said as most of the crowd gasp, "but, it has to be a reason why I do this." "Wait a minute," Weiss joins in the conversation, "If you did this for a reason, where's the reason?" Before I can do anything else, I said to everyone, "I'm taking my shirt off, but it won't count as sexual... whatever the fuck it is unless I have a reason to." I slowly remove my jacket and then slow remove my red shirt. I reveal the one of the most of the hidden secrets in my life.


Scars were everywhere throughout the upper body. I watch as everyone process this dark moment from me. "These scars shows that I have reason to fight," I said as putting back my upper clothing, "This is the reason why I fight. To kill those who need to go back to hell and stay there. I may save people from domination, but that won't change the fact of why these scars are here. And there you have it. That's all you need to know. If you want to get on my good side, stop being an ass." I looked at my remaining food before I can eat. As I look up, I think I regret of what I did... Because... Most of the girls around the cafeteria had nose bleeds and were knocked out. "Wow" Jaune said, "a few days and ladies are now thinking of him dirty." I notice I was encasing with a green orb. I looked around to see Glynda. "Hello, Glynda," I said to her, "Am I in trouble for something that I'm standing up for?" "No, you're not in trouble," Glynda said, "but Ozpin wants to speak with you immediately." I nodded and could only sit there and watch as the orb began to levitate and move with the professor.

Once inside the office, the orb disappears and I land safely on the floor. I watch as Glynda left. I looked at Ozpin next and sat on the chair opposite of him. "Ah, Jordan," Ozpin said, "I've been meaning to speak with you actually. You going to have a little reunion with someone that you know of." Some I know of? The entire people I know are gone. Though I friends in my world, but... They moved on. "Look to your right," Ozpin said as I look to my right. I see a shadow, but I can see a figure also. I watch as the figure reveals itself. It was a female who looks somewhat like me, but her hair's longer with pig tails, she wears a hipster glasses, an and she wear shorts. The only thing that's familiar to me was the amulet around her neck. She smiles at me as she walks closer to me. "Who are you," I asked her. She chuckles cutely as taking something out of her pocket. "This might help you of remembering me," the female said as showing what it was. My eyes widen at this from what I cannot believe I see. It was a picture of child me with my twin sister playing together. I looked up at her, heart starts to turn to sadness of relief (If that's a thing). "J-j-j-june," I stuttered as she laughs a little pats my head. "Yep," my sister said, "It's me, big bro. Your Sunshine is here." That's it. I have to let it out. I instantly got out of my chair and hug her, letting my tears out. I thought she was a goner. I saw her with my own two eyes as she was gone in front of me.

"There, there," She said as patting my back, "It's ok, big bro. I'm here for you." I remember why she calls me that. I always stand up for her whenever she's in trouble. She dub me that, because I'm slightly a bit taller than her. If I'm 5'6 now, then she is 5'5. Anyway, after a few minutes of relief, I'm finish with all the pain, all the troublesome past that were bothering me. I wipe my tears and looked at Ozpin. "S-sorry," I said, "It's been 10 years since I last saw her..." "It's ok," Ozpin said, "You needed it. Also, there's one more thing I ask from you." "Um... Ok," I said, "What do you need from me?" "I think you are useful," he said, "I have seen you from a far of how you did at the docks. You even blend in with the shadows from there with Blake. Now, since you know how to do it, the next time Blake tells you where to go, you have the choice of helping her or the other team." I nodded. "Is that all," I asked.

"Yes... You are free to leave..."

*time skip*

-3rd pov-

Jordan walks back to the room with his sister. "So," June said, "how much anger did you used?" "A lot," He said, looking down, "From when I lost everything to now." "Sorry I wasn't there for you," June said, feeling the sadness within Jordan. "It's ok," He said, "at least now I know that you're alive, Sunshine." June blushes at this and rubs the back of her neck. "Um," She said, "I still can't believe that you still call me that." Jordan chuckles a little a bit before opening the door.

Once in his room, Jordan step forward only to stop and come face to face with Ruby. "Hi Jordan," Ruby said and looks at June, "Who this girl?" "Ah," June said, "Jordan won't introduce me to you. Allow me to it for him." Ruby nods as Weiss, Blake and Yang look the trio. "My name is June," she said to the team, "I'm Jordan's twin sister." This made the whole team's eyes widen. "EH," they yelled in sync, "YOU'RE THE TWIN?!" Jordan and June both cover their ears from the yell. "That's right," Jordan said, "She's my twin sister and she's going to stay with me." "Well," Ruby said, "Let me introduce to my team. This is Weiss, Blake, and Yang, my sister." June examines before saying, "Nice to meet you all. I hope we all get well with each other." The girls nodded in agreement before Jordan yawns a little bit. "We should get to sleep," Jordan said, since he's already in his PJs. They all nodded and put on their PJs and head to bed. The only thing that is going to bother them was that Jordan and June are sleeping together. "Do you think it's a bit weird that they're sleeping together," Ruby asked in a whisper tone. "They're brother and sister," Weiss said, "They are used to this. Besides..." Weiss took out her phone and took a few pictures of Jordan and June sleeping somewhat cutely from across the room. "They are so cute when they sleep together." Jordan and June notices and they both show their red eyes and glares at Weiss. "Don't make us break that phone if you stop taking picture of us sleeping," they both said, thus making Weiss scared from the red eyes and hiding her phone. Everyone lay in bed sleeping peacefully in bed.

'Maybe the world will get a beauty in it soon,' Jordan thought before sleeping beside his sunshine.

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