Oc's info

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Name: Jordan Rullan

Age: 16

Apperance: Jordan appears to be a teenage, brown-eyed boy dressed in a red shirt, black jacket, black pants, black fingerless gloves, Black, white and red sneakers, and a Amulet that is always around his neck. His hair is even black with the tips of his hair red

Race: World Eater (Look at Bio)

Bio: Jordan used to be the good one that will do the right thing, but that all end when these raiders kill his family and then kidnap Jordans. Day in and day out, he'll be torture by them. Jordan release all his anger when his true powers came out and murdered all of the raiders. After it was done, he realizes that most of the field he was in was complety destroyed. His anger turned into fear, knowing that if someone touches him, they might die. For a couple of weeks he'll hide in the shadow, until one traveling Cleric name, mileena, help Jordan out by sealing most of his powers within an amulet. Jordan now knows what to do when he wanted to release his true power when he needs it or some of it. Jordan vows to only uses this power when he needs it to kill off the evil.

Personality: Jordan is not head hotted, but not cold either. He sometime act a bit childish, but is mature. He is quite intelligent and easily knows his opponent's movement. But, he does get dark easily. Once you tick him off, he might hurt his opponents. Lasty, he devlops of habit of eating quickly and sometimes weirdly.

Likes: Math, Reading, music, Video games, Anime, Basketball, Baseball, The weapons he uses

Dislike: Science, P.E, Bad Books, Being Lied to, Bad Puns, Teachers, Demons, Angels, Reapers

Weapon: His weapon is Farlon, a sword with these runes on the blade, but it has the power to cut off the dark powers and release the summoned swords and will head to the victim. But, he always carry a double-magnum with him for his sakes in battle.

Special Skill (Semblance): His power is different than no other semblance. Once he converts his powers, his eyes will change into red and he'll spread out demon-like wings. He can convert this dark power within his finger tips and let it out. Without his weapons, he can always convert a new weapon. His main summoned weapon is a scythe.

Weaknesses: Despite being the World Eater/Master of Death, he is fears of three things: Lighting/thunder, Flashbacks and Himself. In his childhood days, he has Astraphobia, the fear of lighting and thunder, and he will tremble, cry, and a rapid heartbeat. For his Flashback, it was total hell for him. One word from his flashback, he'll lose it. Lastly, he fears himself, because many reasons: Commited Murder, how much anger he grew, the powers within him, and lastly, he hates only the days that were worse for him. What will make worse, yet useful sometime, is that once his Amulet is removed from his neck, his world eater form will show.

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