Chapter 12

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-To the next episode-

*Jordan's POV*

I sit down with Team RWBY and June as watching team CRDL get their asses beat by a girl. I yawn a little bit from last night meeting with Atro. Now think of it, I should get serious with this, right? I mean... I'm childish in some way, but I'm getting a bit dark or antisocial. "Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament," Ms. Glynda said, "Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna? (Blake slams her book shut and stares wide-eyed at Glynda.) You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you -"

"I'll do it," I look at Mercury said, raising his hand. "Mercury is it," Glynda said, "Well, let's find you an opponent." "Actually," Mercury said, "I wanna fight... her and him." Mercury points at Pyrrha and me. "Me," both Pyrrha and I said in the same time. "I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished the match," Glynda said, "I recommend you only sparring with just Mr. Rullan." "No, it's fine," Pyrrha said, "I'd be happy to oblige." I sigh and head down stairs. "June," I said, "go throw Farlon at me." I jump high from my position as June took out Farlon out of nowhere and throw the sword at me. I caught it and land to the arena floor. I put the sword on my back just like in the games I play where my favorite character always has their close range weapons on their back. "I guess we're tag team, Pyrrha," I said, "I'll go last; don't charge at him yet if you use your semblance. I want to see what he got when I spar with him." Pyrrha nods. Alright then, let's get this spar started. Hmm... I wonder...

*3rd POV*
Mercury struts into the arena, visibly sizing up Pyrrha. Their spar begins when he makes the first attack and is knocked down. Recovering quickly, he deflects an attack and begins trading blows with Pyrrha until she knocks him back with her shield. Jordan was leaning on a wall as he watches this with Glynda beside him. "Hey," Glynda, "Are you ok? You've been a bit dark with some of your classmate. Is it from the mission you did?" "Yeah," Jordan said, rubbing the back of neck, "Not only that, there's been a dream I have that's bothering me though. Something about saving this world from something bad and such." "I see..."

With Ruby, she turns towards Emerald sitting behind her. "Hey," she said, "your friend's doing pretty good." Emerald gives a fake smile and then rolls her eyes as Ruby turns her back. Mercury unleashes a series of powerful strikes. Pyrrha allows his kick to slam against her forearm before Mercury manages to disarm, a kick impaling her blade into the ground. Pyrrha uses her Semblance to redirect the direction of Mercury's next kick. As she charges him with her shield, he shoots off of it and turns his back to her. "He's mine," Jordan yells, sprouting his wings and tries to slash at him, only to be blocked by Mercury's weapon. Mercury tries to strike at Jordan, but he dodges and counter attacks him with a blur of punches. Jordan pushes Mercury away and summons six summoned swords and flings them at him. Mercury dodges a few, but some hit him. Jordan let the red eyes come as he open his palms at his hand. What came out was... a beam. One dark beam goes to Mercury, but Mercury dodges it. The whole class looks in awe of what just happen, but the one that has the most shock was Jordan.

Jordan stares at his own palm with the expression that says 'that did not just happen.' He though a dark ball would come out of his palms, but a dark beam? That's plain out stupid... in his point of view. "I forfeit," Mercury said. "You're not going to try," Jordan asked. "What's the point," he said, shrugging, "The girl is a world-renowned fighter and you are something else than just the average teen. We're obviously leagues apart."

"In that case," Glynda said, "Pyrrha Nikos and Jordan Rullan is the victor of the match..." Pyrrha has an annoyed and disappointed look on her face, and places her left hand on her hip. The Aura displays for Pyrrha and Mercury are shown as Mercury's is changed from green to red indicating his loss. Jordan was still looking at his palm. He tries it again and then a dark ball came from his palm. "Oh and now you come out, you fucking fuck," Jordan said as the ball disappears in midair. An Alarm sounds which jolts Blake who has nodded off. "That is all for today. And remember," Glynda said, "the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses."

Jordan jumps on the benches and heads to Ruby. "Was that unexpected for you," Ruby said. "I have no clue," Jordan said, "But I don't know if I should feel happy that I found something cool or feel scared about it." Outside, SSSN are standing at the entrance as Team RWBY with Jordan and June walks past. Sun notices Blake and runs after her.

"Hey Blake," Sun said as he grabs Blake by her shoulder, "You uh, doing okay?" "I'm fine," she said, shutting her book she was reading. "So I hear that there's this dance going on this weekend, and it sounds pretty lame," Sun said, "but you and me, I'm thinking, not as lame, huh?"


"The Dance! This Weekend! You wanna go, or what?"

"I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that."

Blake walks away past her team. Sun sinks from his rejection.


"We want you to go to the dance," Ruby said when the group are in their dorm room. "That's ridiculous," Blake said. "Blake," June said, "We are worried about you. After the investigation, you are starting to mess up with your head. You couldn't sleep, you hardly eat, grades been suffering, and when Jordan mention about the White Fang, you started to get a bit agitated." "People's lives are at stake," Blake said, gesturing out the window. Yang puts her hand on Blake's, lowering it. "We know," Yang said, and we're also trying to figure out what Torchwick is up to." "Thanks to you, Jordan (If you read the optional chapter, if not, ignore that part), and Sun, we know that they're operating somewhere outside of the southeast Vale," Ruby said. "There are still unanswered questions," Jordan said, leaning on the wall next to the door, "but it won't pop out in front of your face if you can't keep your eyes open." "All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day," Yang said. "It will be fun," Weiss said, "Yang and I will make sure of it." Yeah," Yang said as she pumps her fist which causes the bed to bounce Blake," We're planning the whole event." Excuse me," Blake asked. "Team CFVY's away mission lasted quite longer than expected," Weiss said. "So," Yang said, "Weiss and I decided to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you can have the perfect night." "And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready," Weiss said. "So what do you think," Ruby said. "I think this is a colossal waste of time," Blake said as she walks away, but as she opens the door, Jordan put his hand on his shoulder and whispers something in her ear, "... I know... ok. Sure... when you're with... Fine. I'll be in the library." She walks out of the room. "What did you say to her," Ruby asked. "It's a secret," Jordan said, "but me and Yang are going to try and figure out how to break the stubbornness in Blake."

The group nods before there's a knock at the door. Weiss approaches and opens it, revealing Jaune at the door with a guitar. "Weiss," he sings, only for door to be slam close to his face, "Oh, come on, open the door! I promise not to sing." Weiss opens the door. "I lied," Jaune sings again, "Weiss Schu-nee, will you accompany me, to the dance on... Sunday!" "Are you done," Weiss asked. "Yes," Jaune said, shrugging. "No," She said, before slamming the door in his face before turning around to see the others staring at her, "What?" "And that is why they call you the Ice Queen," Yang said. "And me for calling you the Ice Bitch," Jordan mentions, thus making the Ruby, Weiss and Yang to shudder at the moment when Jordan snaps in front of them for the first time. "You said that," June asked Jordan, in which he nodded. "Weiss and Blake were arguing about the white fang," Jordan explains, "but it was so, so annoying that I snap and yelled at them, and counter attack them with my words, making Weiss get a bit scared at me when I said, 'not all Faunus are evil' and to Blake reveal her 'thing.'" June nodded when she already know what happen. Even at childhood stage, Jordan is really a loud speaker. "All my life," Weiss said, "boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. Besides, I already have a date in mind." "Date or no date," Ruby said, "none off this will matter if we can't get Blake to go." "Well," Jordan said, going out the window and sprout his wings, "If you excuse me, I'm going to have a chat with someone." He jumps off and flies to somewhere.

*Meanwhile with the evil trio*

Cinder in her dorm room, sewing a black dress as she sits on one of the beds. Emerald is sitting on the floor while looking at her scroll, and Mercury is lying on the ground and reading a comic book. "She's smart, but I won't say invisible," Mercury said. "Do tell," Cinder said. "Her semblance is Polarity," Emerald said, "But you'd never know just by watching." "After she made contact with my boots," Mercury explains, "she was able to move them around however she wanted. But she only made slight adjustments." "Just enough to make it look like she's untouchable. She doesn't broadcast her power, so it puts her opponent at a disadvantage," Emerald said. "Hmm... People assume that she's fated for victory, when she's really taking fate into her own hands," Cinder said, "Interesting. Add her to the list." "And you better add me too if this party going to be interesting," A voice came in the room, "I'm kind of interested of what you three are going to do." The trio looks over to see a smiling Jordan at the window.

"I was going to say something about you next," Mercury said. "Go ahead and do tell," Jordan said, "Tell Ms. Cinder here what you saw when you were sparring with me." "Um... well," Mercury said, "You're unexplainable. When sparring, you were unpredictable of what are you going to do next." "That's right," Emerald said, "It doesn't look like you don't use your weapon a lot, but it seems you practice a lot with your fist. Not to mention, you're unique for some reason. I guess is when you did that dark beam at Mercury earlier." "Beam," Cinder said in a question able tone. "Even I can't understand my powers myself," Jordan said, "Anyway, I won't mind, if I can here in this too. I mean... Hello! I may say I have been a hero, but I am considering myself as the Anti-Hero too, judging on how much destruction I made in the city back at home... Too many people suffered there. Well, you should be able to take her down, but I think you have another reason for that... right, Cinder?" Cinder smirks. "It's not about overpowering an enemy," Cinder said, "It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time." "I hate waiting," Mercury said. "Don't worry Mercury," Cinder said, "We have a fun weekend ahead of us." "Welp," Jordan said, "Here's a thing, what I heard right now, I'm going to be in this for good, but mark my words, I'm always going to be in the good side. You may be villains, but I consider of you of something else... Maybe our relationship with each other will be big, but in battle, we're foes. Ok?" "Alright then, friend," Cinder said, "let's keep this a secret then." Jordan nods. "I will all see you in the battlefield," he said as bowing down before he jumps out the window and flies back to his Dorm room." Cinder watches this and thought to herself, 'Hmm... Such an interesting teen. Maybe... just maybe I can make him... mine.'

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