Chapter 8b

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* continue on with 3rd POV*

"I'll go with Blake and Sun," Jordan said, pointing to the Faunus, "Don't think I have my ways of using my powers for something else. You know... it's not for killing all the time." "Alright then," Ruby said, "Let the plan begin!"

*Time skip*
-Jordan's Pov-

"This is it," Blake said when she uses her fingers to trace three scratch marks on a wall before peeking around its corner. "You sure," Sun asked as Blake glares at him and moves to the entrance and unfastening her bow. "Just take her work for it," I said, adjusting my helmet, mask... thing. "I don't get it," Sun said when he holds out the half-mask in his hand, "If you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?" "The masks are a symbol," Blake said, "Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters." "Grimm masks..." he said, "That's kind of dark." "So was the guy who started it," Blake said, putting her mask on and walks on and walks on.

"Always sunshine and rainbows with you..."

We all walk in, but I stop by a guard. The two looked at me. "Hey," the white fang said, "Are you a new recruit?" Without saying a word, I kicked his rifle, grab his rifle in midair and twirl it so I aimed at his face. "Does that answer your question," I said darkly, "Just to let you know, I lost both my ears and tail from the scum who are fucking racist. Am I clear?" "Hm..." The white fang said, "Alright. You're ok. Head inside and also... nice mask you have there. I'll let the rest of the crew that we have someone who's a monster." I nodded before giving back his rifle and heads towards Sun and Blake, shocked when I did that. "I do this to anyone who thinks I'm something else more than a heartless moron." We headed to the new recruits that are moving in a line at the side of the stage. I look at the two when we all stop. I looked up to see a fully-masked man with tattoos standing starts to speak. "Thank you all for coming," he said, "For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce you a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!" I looked up to see... Roman. Great... he waves mockingly as the crowds start protesting. "Thank you, Thank you," He said, "Please, hold your applause!"

"What's a Human doing here," an Antler Faunus yells as pointing at Roman. "I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst," Roman said, salutes as an example, "Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or better yet, killed!" "I think I know where he's going with this," Jordan softly said. "I don't," Sun said. "But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms," Roman said as the crowd changes their tune and starts agreeing with him, "Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life! And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room."

*switch this to 3rd POV*

With a snap of the fingers, the curtain falls, and the whole mass of Faunus applaud at the sight of the Atlesian Paladin-290 behind it, the mark of the White Fang painted on its shoulder. Thus, this triggers Jordan's flashback.

'R-run! Get Jordan out of here!'

'What about you?'

'I got this! I can't mess it up if I can use sound and glass to defuse...'

Jordan slowly moves his hand on to his head. 'What the... sound... glass... what does that mean?' "As some of you might have heard, this right here..." Roman explains as he taps the giant mech, " Atlas' newest defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my "employer," we've managed to snag a few before they, uh, "hit the shelves." Now, many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the southeast. If you'd rather stay within the city, that's fine... But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?" The White Fang's roaring applause tells him the answer. "Time to get out of here," Jordan said as Blake and Sun nods in agreement, but...

"Will all new recruits, please come forward!"


"What are we going to do," Sun said to Blake. "I'm thinking," Blake said. Jordan and Sun watch Roman lean on the robot smoking his cigar and laughing with the girl beside him before he zeroes in on the two, frowning. "He sees us," Sun said as he wave while Jordan showed a 'don't give a fuck' expression and flips off Roman. Blake notices the junction box. "He can't see in the dark," Blake said as he unsheathes Gambol Shroud, tranforms it into a pistol, and shoots at the box, making the lights go out for the whole building. "Stop them," Roman yells out loud. "Get the fuck away from me, you fucking fucks," Jordan yells as he takes out the new design weapons and starts shooting at their weapons. "Sun! Jordan," Blake said, "The Window!" "Stop them!"

Before the trio crash through the window and start running as fast as they can, the mechanized sound of running power signals the Altesian Paladin's activation, and it crashes through the wall of the building in pursuit of the runaways, who leap off of a car and manage to get on the roofs. The Paladin follows beside them on the street as Blake and Sun run, jump, and flips from rooftop to rooftop as Jordan sprout out his Wings and flies with them. "So you wouldn't happen to have.... oh, I don't know... some form of back up," Sun yells. "Got it," Blake said as she grabs her scroll and puts it to her ear as she continues to jump. "Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-"

"HEEEELLLLP! Big robot! And it's big! Really big," Sun yells as the trio land on the ground and kept on escaping.

"Roman is in the Robot, controlling it. Request for assistance in the highway, ASAP," Jordan yells. "Where are you guys," Yang asked in the scroll. "HURRYYY," Sun yells. "Sun, Blake," Jordan said, "I'm going catch up with June. Make sure that fucker is still on the run!" He flies up in the air and goes find June.

"This is going to be one hell of a party!"

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