Chapter 14

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A/n: Again... taking two episodes because I want to stop where the last episode ended before the next vol comes out. May or may not be long... depending on you guys.

*3rd POV*

Jordan is in a dream, but something is odd. Inside the mind, Jordan was surrounded by dead bodies of all of his friends and family, but one still stands. There stood a tall man with red hair that spikes backwards in a windswept way. While most of his hair is red, a portion of it in the back is brown. A noticeable trait of his appearance is the mask he wears, which obscures his eyes and upper face. He was wounded as Jordan was laughing insanely. "Why are you doing this," the man said, "Don't you have a heart? Do you even care about Faunus?" "Does it look like I care," Jordan said, "I don't care about both races. Humans... Faunus... they're all a pain in the ass! It is this world of darkness which is the evil, destructive forces of man's nature!"

"You're insane!"

"I'm not insane, arrogant bastard! You and everyone in this world are just messed up! Now... time for you to die!"

Jordan walk to him, but the tall man charges at him and strike at him, but to be block by the Farlon. The two swords collided many times, but Jordan took out his gun and shot the man by the leg. The man scream in pain as Jordan throws him far to a wall. Jordan walks towards him. "Hehe... HAHAHAHAHA," Jordan laughs, grabbing the man by the neck before slamming him on the ground then place his foot on the man's head. "Jordan," Jordan looks around to see Blake still alive and a few others, "Please! Show mercy! Stop this!" Jordan tilts his head and smiles insanely. "What's Mercy," He asked before he pushes down his foot on the man's head, effectively crushing it and killing the man. The wounded has their eyes widen in shock. "Now... You're next!" Jordan charges at them and raises Farlon and swung down at Blake. But, someone punches him in the gut and knocks him back. Far. Jordan gets up, but gets tied down with chains. He looks up to see... Vera. "W-why," He said, "why are you doing this? I thought you like me..." "I do," Vera said, walking towards the insane one, "but this is not the one I had a crush on. Please, Jordan... You just need help... And I'm proving that you need help." "How are you going to do that if you're just a person in my head," Jordan asked, looking at his wounded comrades. "Like you said," she said, snapping her fingers as the people, around Jordan and Vera, disappear, "You'll remember me by heart. Remember, this is all part of your nightmare. None of it will happen unless something goes downhill. You know... Like a lover trying to protect their boyfriend or girlfriend. Dream those kinds of things." Jordan was starting to slowly being sane. "Thank you. This hurts," Jordan said, "This dream's a pain in the ass. Wake me up. Try any so I can just scream or something." "I won't hold back then," she said grabbing Farlon on the ground, "Alright... Time to wake up, my master of Death." Vera took a few steps back before charging at him and swung at him. Then...

"Ah!" Jordan yelps, moves around before he falls on the ground from the bed, "Ack!" The girls woke up, looking at Jordan. They tried to get to him, but Jordan moves away quickly and into the corner. "Stay away from me," Jordan said, curling up in a ball, "I just need time to regain my surroundings and such." June went up to him and hugs him. "Jordan," June said, "What's wrong? Did you have some bad dream?" "More like a nightmare mess and then... A wake-up call," Jordan said, "My gosh... It felt so real. You were in it. And so was Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, Ren, and everyone else we know of. All of you are dead by my hands. But... My dead girlfriend, not you Ruby, stops the nightmare and helps me get back to reality. I'm still scared... And don't want anyone to leave me..." June looks at Jordan, shocked that Jordan would say such thing. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were shocked even more. Him? Killing his friends? June hugs him more, stroking his hair.

She starts to hum a tune that Jordan knows of, trying to calm him down. June gesture the team to calm him down and they did, hugging him, too. "Please, don't think like that," Ruby said, "You know you are not like that. No matter how much you seen or hear, I don't want you to be like that. Calm down." Jordan eventually calms down and wipes his tears away he never knew of. "T-thank you," he said, sniffing a little bit, "I only have one favor for all of you. Please, take care of me. If I do not want to do those things, help me. You're all strong in your own ways. Please stop me like how June calm me down." They all nodded before they all pull away. Jordan get up before stretching a little bit. "Well," Jordan said, before grabbing his clothes, "I should get dressed since I'm up. Ruby, I'll go ahead. I might not remember her appearance, so I trust you with her appearance." Ruby nods as June grabs one of the blankets before she covers Jordan and pulls away it from Jordan. Jordan wears his signature outfit, but his signature jacket has now a logo on it. The logo has a multiple swords that shape of circle with glass in the middle. His hood look has some tip, like some low-profile hood. He also holds onto a mask that looks very similar to June somehow. "If this mission will be in the wilderness," Jordan said, heading to the door and opening it, "One must get ready in the good clothing. Now if you excuse me." Jordan leaves to heads to Ozpin. Weiss, Blake and Yang looks at Ruby. "You have picked the right boyfriend, Ruby," Yang said as Ruby blushes a little bit.

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