Part 2

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Part 2


Michelle sat at the table holding hands with her boyfriend David. They interlocked their fingers as they talked during a late lunch.

Michelle is twenty-seven years old and a marketing consultant. She has been dating her boyfriend for about a year now and he was a lawyer. He has yet to meet her family. Michelle is actually quite embarrassed for David to meet them. She didn't want her boyfriend to meet her two drunk parents.

"So, what's your schedule looking like for Friday?" David asked as he sipped his drink.

"Uhm, I have dinner with my grandma but I can see you after." She said.

David smiled.

"Why don't you want me to meet your family?" He asked.

"It's complicated." She said.

"Okay, I'm not rushing you but it's been a year babe. If you want us to go further in life I'm gonna need to meet them." He said.

"You will babe, I promise." She said.

After they ended lunch Michelle got in her car and drove off. She placed a call through the car's Bluetooth.


"Hey, did you look into that scholarship I sent you?"

"Nah, not yet." Jade said.

"What you waiting for?" Michelle asked.

"I'm gonna look through it. I promise." Jade said.

Michelle shook her head.

"Where you at?" Jade asked.

"Coming from a late lunch."

"Oh, you and David?"

"Who told you about David?" Michelle asked shocked.

Jade started laughing.

"I over heard Bey talking." She said.

"Why you so damn nosy?" Michelle asked.

"Chill, I'm not but when we gonna meet him?"

"I don't know yet but you better keep your mouth shut."

"Aight, aight." She said. "You coming to grandma's tomorrow?"


"Okay, cool. I'll get at you later."


Michelle hung up and kept driving. Of course Kelly and Beyoncé knew about David but Michelle wasn't expecting Jade to know too. Sooner or later she knew David had to meet them but she choose later.


"Terrence, where are you?" Kelly asked through the phone.

"I told you I'm on my way. Chill, I'm around the corner." He said.

"You could've called and told me you was gonna be late." Kelly said.

"Look, I'm about to pull up."

Kelly hung up and sat outside on her porch. Kelly was a twenty-five year old medical assistant. She was also a single mother to a two year old baby boy. His father is Terrance a local drug dealer in the city. She's not with Terrance anymore and she's glad. She didn't even know he was a drug dealer when she met him but that was her mistake.

Kelly watched as Terrence pulled up in her drive way. She stood up and walked down the steps while Terrence got Titan out.

"Mommy!" He yelled running towards her.

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