Part 5

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Part 5

A Week Later

Jade was riding her bike home from school right along with wasp. They rode up to her house.

"Hey look, both your parents home." He said when they noticed the two cars.

Jade stopped her bike and looked. She couldn't figure out why they both were home but didn't see anything good coming out of it.

wasp went to his house and Jade got her phone out.

"Bey." She said.


"Come get me. Mama and daddy both home and I don't know why." She said.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing, I don't think."

"I don't get off till five."

"Please Bey?"

"I can't but I'll come over after work." Beyoncé said.

Jade smacked her teeth and agreed then hung up.

Jade sat her bike down and went into the house. She saw her parents sitting in the living room.

"Why y'all home so early?" Jade asked.

"Come sit down." Tina said.

Jade walked around the couch and on the couch were clothes with tags on them. She noticed exactly what those clothes were.

Jade went to sit across from her parents.

"Your mother is missing four hundred dollars." Matthew said. "Did you take it?"


Tina huffed and stood up.

"Get up and get the rest of my money. I don't have time to talk through this. These clothes that got tags on them you taking them back to get my money." Tina said walking closer to her. "You think I'm stupid? You wanna steal from me?"

Tina grabbed her by her collar and stood her up.

"Go get the rest of my money." Tina said and shoved her towards the hallway.

Jade was visibly upset and scared walking to her room.

"I don't know why the hell you mad. Nobody was stealing from you." Tina said. "Why would even steal anything?! All your ass had to do was ask!"

Jade got the money out of her draw.

"I was gonna give it back." Jade said.

"How? You don't have no job." Tina said and snatched her money.

Jade rolled eyes.

"Who you rolling your eyes at?"

Jade sucked her teeth and Tina grabbed her.

"Daddy!" Jade yelled trying to get out of her grip.

"Don't call him. What he gonna do?" Tina said and pushed her on the bed. "You walking around here like you grown. News flash you not."

Jade mugged her mother and then her father came in.

"Tina, just calm down." Matthew said trying to defuse the argument.

"No, she been acting like a damn brat for weeks now. She's not gonna do it in my house!"

"I don't have to live here." Jade said.

"Then get the fuck out! Go live by your own damn rules and don't touch nothing I bought you."

Jade got up while Matthew tried to stop her.

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