Part 8

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Part 8

Michelle and Kelly had woke up in their old room and sniffed around.

"You smell lemons?" Kelly said moving Ty over so she could get up.

"Yeah." Michelle said getting up

They got up and left out the room. They walked into the living room and it was spotless. They were both shocked. They walked in the kitchen.

"Mama!" Kelly said.

She came from out the back door.


Michelle and Kelly looked her over. They couldn't believe what they saw. She looked fresh and awake and smiling.

"Are you okay?" Michelle asked.

Vivian smiled.

"I'm fine." She said.

"Did you clean?" Kelly asked.

"Yes." She said. "All the cigarettes and alcohol are gone."

They were shocked.

"I let those addictions and your father run my life too long. Today is a new day and I have to fix something's starting with you two." She said. "I'll cook some breakfast while y'all get cleaned up and dressed."

Michelle and Kelly nodded and went back to the room.

"What the hell?" Michelle said.

Kelly shrugged.

"I don't know. I haven't seen mama with that much of a genuine smile in I don't know how long."

"Me either." Michelle said. "It looks for real."

"Well I'm gonna take her being nice and smiling for a good sign." Kelly said.

Michelle didn't know what to think but she was just gonna roll with it.


Solange had just paid the cab driver and got out the car. She didn't exactly know how to feel standing in front of her parents house. Was everything true? Was Jade being nosy and took something for what it wasn't? Solange just wanted to find out what was going on.

She went to the door and rung the bell.

Jade jumped out of her sleep and noticed she was laying on her mother and her sister was laying on her. She didn't want to wake them but there was no way with they way they were laying.

Jade got up waking Beyoncé in the process. Beyoncé looked at Jade get up and get the door.

She watched Solange walk through and hug Jade like her life depended on it. Tina had woke up a bit and Solange was just looking at Beyoncé and Tina and then she took Jade and they went to her room.

Beyoncé sat up more and yawned and Tina did too. Beyoncé stood up.

"I'm gonna go home and change and stuff and I'll be back." Beyoncé said.

"Alright, so I'm guessing Jade called Solange." Tina said.

Beyoncé nodded. She grabbed her purse and left to go home.

Beyoncé walked into the house and went to her room. She saw Shawn sleeping on her bed.

She didn't want to wake him up but he was a light sleeper.

"Hey," he said in a groggy voice. "Did you find Jade?"

"She came home last night." Beyoncé said.

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