Part 1

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Part 1

Fifteen Years Later


"So you just gonna gamble away all our money Matthew?!" Tina yelled.

"No Tina! Damn! I didn't loose it all!" Matthew yelled.

Jade laid in her bed listening to her parents argue again. It was the same thing every time. They would yell and scream for hours because Matthew liked to gamble all the money away as Tina would say.

Jade got up and put on a hoodie while her parents argued. She put on her vans and grabbed her cellphone and stuck it in her pocket.

She went and opened her window and jumped out. It wasn't a long way down. She dusted herself off a bit and then got her bike from the backyard and then rode off. She did this frequently. 

She couldn't deal with the drama. She hated it. Her parents fought over the bills or who left the tooth paste cap off. It never stopped and she couldn't deal with it.

She rode up to the house and sat her bike in the front yard. She knew nothing would happen to it. She went up to the door and knocked. She stood there putting her hands in her pockets to keep from the cold. Eventually the door opened.

"Come on." She heard.

She opened the door and walked into her older sisters house.

"I didn't wake up Blue did I?" Jade asked.

"No, you didn't." Beyoncé said scratching her head. "Mama and daddy arguing again?"

"Yeah." Jade said nodding. "And I got a test tomorrow."

They walked back to Beyoncé's room.

"I'll wake you up at six to go back home." Beyoncé said getting back in the bed.

Jade nodded as the took off her hoodie and shoes. Jade then got in the bed.

"Thanks Bey." Jade said getting under the covers.

"No problem." Bey said and then they were out like a light.

As quick as Jade fell asleep Beyoncé was waking her up.

"Jade, come on." Beyoncé said.

Jade sat up and yawned. Beyoncé was already dressed for work. Jade picked up her hoodie and put her shoes on. She stood up.

"Text me when you get home." Beyoncé said walking towards her.

"Alright, kiss Blue for me." Jade said looking up and Beyoncé kissed her cheek.

"Alright." Beyoncé said going back to fixing up her bed as Jade left out.

Jade went outside and got on her bike to ride home. She rode home as the sun was coming up and she saw people leaving for work or getting their morning paper.

She rode to the back of her house quietly. She sat her bike down then got on top of the heater to reach her window. She climbed in and closed her window quietly. She heard the hardwood squick and jumped in her bed and pulled the covers on top of her quickly.

She heard the door open.

"Jade, get up for school!"

"Okay, mama!" She yelled and then the door closed.

She sighed in relief and retrieved her cellphone to text Beyoncé that she made it home safe.

Jade sighed and then got up to go take a shower.



Beyoncé stood outside honking her horn again for the third time. She was waiting outside for Kelly.

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