Part 9

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A Month Later

"You ready?" David asked as he and Michelle sat in the car.

"Yeah." She said and he opened door. "No wait."

David closed the door again.

"I'm sorry, I'm nervous." She said.

"Babe, what's there to be nervous about? You said you were ready?"

"I know I just kind of, sort of, you know didn't tell them you weren't black." Michelle said.

"What?!" David yelled and pulled down the visor to look in the mirror. "I'm not black?!"

Michelle laughed at his dramatics. He put the visor back up and smiled.

"My parents are black. You know this." He said. "I'm an adopted kid and my little brother is dating your cousin. I'm going to meet your family regardless."

"Okay." Michelle said.

David leaned in and kissed her.

"Alright, let's go." He said as they got out the car.

They walked up to Michelle's grandmothers house and the door was already open. They walked in and she saw Bey and Kelly on the couch with their kids and Matt sitting in the chair. They all paused for a moment seeing them.

"Hey." Michelle said.

They snapped out of it.

"Hey." Kelly and Beyoncé said standing and walking over.

"This is my boyfriend David." Michelle said.

"Nice to meet you." Beyoncé said shaking his hand.

"Bey!" They heard Jade yell.

"We've heard a lot about you." Kelly said shaking his hand.

"Beyoncé!" Jade yelled again.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes and David laughed a bit.

"Let me guess." He said. "Jade?"

"You got it." Kelly said.

"Bey! I know you-" Jade said but stopped short when she stood in front of Michelle and David.

"Jade, this is David my boyfriend." Michelle said.

"Wow." Jade said and shook his hand. "Hey, I'm white-uhm I mean, I'm-"

"Ugh, move." Beyoncé said moving Jade to the side.

"My bad, sorry. I'm Jade, nice to meet you."

David laughed.

"It's no problem." He said. "Michelle just told me she never mentioned me not being black."

"Yeah, she left that out." Kelly said.

"It's cool though. Half of us light anyway." Jade said.

Beyoncé looked at her.

"Go away." She said.

"Why? What I do?" Jade asked.

Matthew came over laughing.

"Nice to meet you David." Matthew said shaking his hand.

"You too." David said.

Soon Tina and Vivian came out the kitchen and stopped short for a bit but you barely noticed.

"Mama, auntie. This is my boyfriend David." Michelle said.

"Nice to meet you baby." Tina said hugging him.

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