Part 3

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Part 3

The Next Day


Tina was already dressed and ready for the day. She heard the shower running so she knew Matthew was getting ready.

She went towards the hallway towards Jade's room. She opened the door.

"Jade! Come on, get up!"

"Aight mama!" She heard.

"I'm not coming back in here!" Tina yelled out and started walking towards the kitchen.

Tina Knowles was a forty-seven year old woman working in her own salon. She is the mother of three girls and only one still lives at home. Her life isn't rosy but that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it.

Tina stood in the kitchen cooking breakfast. When she finished she sat plates on the table.

"Jade, come on!" Matthew yelled walking in.

"Coming!" She yelled.

Tina was sitting down enjoying her breakfast when Matthew walked in and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning." He said and sat down.

"Good morning." She said.

Soon Jade walked in and sat down.

"Good morning." She said grabbing some toast.

"Good morning." Her parents said.

"Slow down." Tina said. "Why you in such a rush."

"I'm not." She said.

"I'm not driving you to school so you can stop before you choke." Tina said.

"Why not?" Jade asked.

"Ain't no rain out there." Tina said and Matthew laughed. "You take that bike everywhere else. You can keep taking it to school."

Tina got up after she finished her breakfast and put her plate in the sink.

"Is this my punishment for last night?" Jade asked. "I was only at Kelly's house. That's around the corner."

"It don't matter." Tina said coming out of the kitchen. "You don't pay no bills in here so you don't come and go as you please."

Jade just sat there picking at her food as Matthew got up to leave. He pecked Tina's lips and kissed Jade's forehead and left out.

"What you mad for?" Tina asked Jade.

"I'm not mad."

"Okay it's either you gonna eat or throw the plate out and stop playing with it."

Jade began eating and Tina went back to get her bags for work. She walked back into the living room and Jade was watching TV.

"Leave out on time so you not late." Tina said.

"I will mama."

"Okay and actually go to school. I'll see you later."

Jade continued to watch TV as Tina left out. Jade looked out the window and saw her car go down the street.

Jade got up and went towards her parents room.

Tina arrived at the shop and walked in greeting everyone. She went in her office and sat down.

After a few hours of sorting through bills there was a knock at her door.

Tina looked up.

"Ms. Tina, your sister out here." Jessica said.

"Tell her to come back here please." She said.

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