Part 4

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Part 4

Vivian sat in front of the television sipping her drink as time rolled by.

Vivian Styles was a fifty year old woman who had just been laid off from her job not too long ago. She was actually on her way to a job interview, supposedly.

She sat on the couch sipping her vodka straight. She heard the door open.

"Mama!" Michelle yelled.


Michelle walked in and saw her mother just watching TV.

"Really mama, it's not even twelve yet." Michelle said.


Michelle rolled her eyes.

"You seen my cigarettes?" Vivian asked.

"Well I just walked in mama so no I ain't seen them." Michelle said sitting down.

"Your father must've took them." She said.

"Where is daddy anyway?" Michelle asked.

Vivian shrugged and continued to watch TV.

"Have you eaten?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah, I made some chicken and green beans." She said.

"Cool." Michelle said getting up.

"I didn't say it was for you." Vivian said laughing.

Michelle continued to get some food. She went back to the living room to sit down and eat.

"So you not going to the job interview?" Michelle asked as she wiped her mouth.

Vivian sighed.

"Who's out here hiring fifty year olds?" She said. "Your father is okay with the bills for a few months so I'll find something eventually."

"Aight mama, but if you need anything just ask." Michelle said.

"Thank you baby." Vivian said and then smiled.

Michelle sat and ate and started thinking about her parents. Of course she loved her father but two nights ago she and her sister had to physically pull him off of their mama and that's not the first time. She wanted her mama to leave her daddy a long time ago but she never would. Sad to say Michelle at this point in life hoped to never be like her mama.


Jason was in the liquor store buying drinks for the get together they were having. He kept eyeing a woman not too far from him. She smiled towards him and he did the same. He paid for the drinks and was on his way.

As he placed the drinks in his car he noticed the lady walk by eyeing him. He shut the door and went towards her. She was leaning on her car.

"You know I couldn't help but notice you were eyeing me." He said walking up to her.

"I noticed you doing the same." She said and they shared a laugh.

Jason and the woman started having a conversation. They were close and the lady was touching him and Jason was leaning into her ear.

That's the sight that Jade rode up on. She sat on her bike and watched what her uncle was doing. Sadly, this wasn't the first time she caught him.

She noticed he glanced her way and stepped back a little from the lady. He began walking her way and Jade just sat there.

"I didn't know school was out yet?" He said once he reached her.

"I didn't know that woman's legs were open either." Jade said smartly. "Plus it's Saturday."

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