ii ; the hatred of wednesday

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Wednesday, to Mikey, was an absolutely fucking pointless day of the week. It was unnecessary, stupid, and maybe Mikey's hate for it was a little over the top, but nonetheless, he wished it didn't exist. Part, or rather most, of his hate was built upon the fact that Wednesday held the worst subject schedule of the day - Maths, Physics, English, ICT, Chemistry, followed by PE. Seriously, what absolute rat decided that continuous bleep tests were a great way to end the school day on, because Mikey was willing to write a whole essay length complaint about how much he would rather combust than do PE, and considering how much he really disliked English, that was saying something.

Considering Mikey was a known as a nerd, it was weird that he hated every subject imaginable to Schools. Although, he did get incredible grades in each of them, which was definitely what fueled his nickname. Actually, it may also have something to do with his excessive addiction to sci-fi and horror movies, which he watched religiously with his brother, Gerard, at least once every second day, making unnecessary comments on the film once every .5 seconds, to which Gerard would respond to with either a witty response, or a blunt 'shut the fuck up, I'm trying to watch this film, you bitch'. Ah, brotherly love.

Truth was, Mikey felt pressured to conform to everyone's high expectations of him, and he really didn't want to spend 90% of his spare time frantically revising the material he needed for his exams. Being a smartass was never what he intended to do with his life, but it was what his family wanted for him, and he knew that if he couldn't do what they wanted, he would probably be frowned upon by them (this obviously didn't include Gerard. In fact, Gerard was probably the most accepting person he knew, and if Mikey told him about the pressure, he would most definitely accept Mikey for his non-smartass self), and that sucked, because Mikey had a burning desire to want to please everybody.

Mikey wanted to complain, he really did, but he felt so guilty even just thinking about it, because he knew that there were people who had it so much worse than he did, and if he was going to sit his privileged ass down on his comfy sofa in his heated house and whine about his parents wanting the best for him, he would probably explode of self-reproach. The thing is, if it were somebody else in his situation, he would tell them that it was fine to complain, but he was a lot harsher on himself, and he knew deep down that he wasn't being fair, but he couldn't quite bring himself to stop.

Going back to his current situation, Mikey took his designated seat in his Maths classroom, and prepared himself for extreme boredom for the duration of 50 minutes. He felt like falling asleep, but he also wasn't in the mood for detention, so he sucked it up, and just listened, taking notes when necessary, hating his school as he did so. He also took this opportunity to think about things. The topic of Pete somehow came up, and he remembered that next period would be an opportunity to talk to the strange boy again, and with that realization taken into account, he felt somewhat more motivated to get through the tedious lesson.

His motivation was found to be destroyed later, though, when it was 10 minutes into Physics, and Pete hadn't turned up yet, and Mikey had no idea why, but he felt disheartened at that. He was also rather confused as to where Pete had disappeared to. Was he ill? Was he skipping? If so, what was he doing? Was he okay? Mikey needed to know, but he didn't know how to find out (without sounding stalkerish, that is). He eventually came to a conclusion that he was overreacting, and he would probably see Pete the next day, and he could ask him where he was then. And if he didn't, he would ask a friend, or something.


Pete was what people would refer to as 'shady'. He did a lot of strange things, and liked to skip lessons he didn't like, and he had that whole 'mysterious, angsty teenager' vibe about him, which seemed to repel people instead of make them intrigued, but hey, there was a first time for everything, and maybe, just maybe, Mikey would turn out to be more curious than intimidated by him. There was something special about Mikey that made Pete think that he would be somewhat interested, and maybe that was a gut instinct, because Pete wasn't sure what made him so special, but goddamn, he wanted to find out.

Pete had a quick temper. He was a generally angry person, and he had tendencies to blow up at the slightest of provokes, and it he really needed to stop it, but there was only one method he had found (so far) that could calm him down, and as bad as it sounded, it was smoking. It was a terrible, terrible habit, and he knew it was disgusting and bad for him, but it did the trick, and it wasn't as if he did it really often anyway, so to Pete, it didn't really matter. Self destruction seemed to be a theme with Pete and his messy past, because there were times when he used to self harm, but he was over that, at least.

Admittedly, he had started the day off being mildly excited for second period with Mikey, but that feeling became replaced by one of anger, caused by a conversation between himself and two ignorant assholes, one of which was Gabe, the guy who he had defended Mikey against yesterday.

"... and then that emo faggot, Pete, defended him! Can you believe the nerve of his gay ass?" Gabe told the blonde dude, who he believed to be called Bob. He reckoned the name suited him - it was boring, and it could've been better, much like his bigoted personality.

Bob laughed. "Maybe they're gay for each other," he said, and something inside of Pete snapped.

"Maybe you should shut the fuck up!" And at that, he stormed out of the classroom, making his way down to his usual spot behind the shed, fumbling through his pockets to find his unopened packet of cigarettes and lighter, which lead him to the situation he was in currently, missing second period, and more importantly, missing Mikey.

Pete hated being alone, and that was a problem, because he could count the amount of people who tolerated him on one finger, let alone one hand. Ryan Ross - equally as fucked up as Pete was, always looking for an excuse to skip class, and would sometimes be there if Pete needed someone to talk to. Note the word 'sometimes', because there were occasions where Ryan had other,, more important, things to do, which held him back from being there for Pete when he needed him. Pete didn't blame Ryan for that. He knew that he would rather get laid than provide tissues for a sobbing emo mess like himself, so he tried not to let Ryan get to him.

wanna skip? i'm behind the shed, he texted him, hoping for a positive response, but wasn't relying on it.

He got one back not even a minute later, reading yeah, be there in a few mins, and Pete smiled, before inhaling his cigarette again.

He smoked to himself in peace for a few minutes, but the silence was interrupted by the sound of rustling, and then by someone, Ryan, speaking. "Hey," he said, sitting down on the cold ground next to Pete.

"Thanks for skipping with me," Pete said.

"It's no problem. Anything to get out of drama with Miss fucking Jackson."

"Thought you liked that lesson?" Pete questioned.

"Yeah, only because she's hot. But she's fucking annoying," Ryan explained.

"Ah. I see."

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