xii ; platonic

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Why the fuck Pete had invited Mikey out when he was so unsure and nervous about his irrefutable feelings for the boy, he did not entirely know, but hell, he was going to go anyway, and he was going to have a damn good time, and he wasn't even going to think about what an actual date with Mikey would feel like the entire time.


But how could it not cross his mind at least once, come on?

They could do something disgustingly cheesy and romantic that everybody in the world claims to hate the idea of but is secretly jealous as fuck. Like, maybe  they could have a picnic, or see a movie, or go to a cute restaurant. Fuck, at this rate, Pete would even settle for a classic Netflix and chill date with Mikey. Actually, that did sound pretty cool. Who doesn't love a bit of Mean Girls featuring some sloppy handjobs (or something along those lines)?

It didn't even have to be Mean Girls. Pete wasn't picky on that part.

(Although, come to think of it, he did love that film quite a lot...)

Maybe he could invite Mikey round for this after they hung out in town. It would be pointless psyching himself up for something that he wasn't going to make happen soon, right?


"My coffee is cold," Mikey complained, sipping on his drink.

"Serves you right for spending ten minutes in the bathroom. You are aware that drinks can start cooling in that amount of time, right?" Pete teased.

Mikey glared at him, taking another sip before putting his drink down. "Ha-fucking-ha."

"I'm glad you appreciate my comedic abilities, Mikes."

"No problem," Mikey said, sinking down into his seat while Pete pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Pete, please do not tell me you just took your phone out to Instagram your drink," Mikey guessed at this action immediately.

"C'mon, Mikes! I need to hop on the bandwagon! Instagramming coffee is, like, majorly important," Pete stressed, typing away at his phone.

"Unbelievable," Mikey rolled his eyes, although he couldn't deny that the boy's apparent need to share his beverages with the internet was kind of cute (in a weird way).

A few moments of silence were shared until Pete spoke again. "It's already at 20 likes! It hasn't even been a minute, too!"

"Pete, I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible. Shut the fuck up."

"Somebody's on their time of the month," Pete joked.

"Fuck you."

"I didn't hear a denial there."


"Y'know, Mikes, we've already been to Starbucks today. Shouldn't we take the next leap of faith and watch something on Netflix together, too?" Pete asked, and maybe this was pushing the boundaries, because Mikey wasn't fucking dumb, he should know what that is usually supposed to mean, and Pete wasn't really aiming for an "oh fuck no" in response, so in hindsight, he probably should've worded that better. Or just not said it at all. Either would work.

Mikey raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that fuckboy talk for 'let's fuck', though?" Ah, yes. So he did know what it was supposed to mean. Did this mean Pete would now have to brace himself for the inevitability of his rejection?

"Not if you don't want it to be," Pete said, trying to lighten up the question/mood but most likely failing immensely. 

"In that case I'm going to have to accept your offer." How did that go well? How? On? Earth?

"Great! So... how do you feel about Mean Girls?"

"Mean Girls is the way to go," Mikey smiled, and this couldn't possibly get any greater, because holy shit, he actually liked one of Pete's favourite movies, and they were going to watch it together, and it totally wouldn't end in something sexual.


Well... Mikey had made things clear that it was going to be a platonic thing, which didn't make things very easy on Pete's side, because holy fuck, as much as he wasn't really ready to do anything like that yet, he would've maybe liked for a bit less of a 'no homo' from Mikey's side, y'know?


"Is this the part where we pause the film and fuck?" Pete whispered to Mikey.

"In a porno, yes. Definitely. Real life, though, not so much," Mikey whispered back.

"Oh, damn," Pete said sarcastically, making a motion with his hand to make it look more melodramatic. 

"We could go get popcorn to make up for your utter heartbreak?" Mikey offered, following on with the sarcastic theme.

"I think that would make an excellent addition to the evening," Pete mused. 

"Fantastic. Let's go buy some, then."


Mikey wasn't entirely sure at what point during their magical journey to Tesco he had started holding hands with Pete, but nonetheless, he didn't mind at all. It was better than he anticipated it to be. It was kind of like one of those cheesy movie moments where there are butterflies and you just can't stop smiling and everything feels perfect in that moment.

It was almost as if it were him and Pete against the world; not just the shitty small Tesco shop situated in the outskirts of town.

And he couldn't be entirely sure, but by the way Pete smiled back at him, stealing sneaky glances wherever he deemed appropriate, his feelings maybe weren't so unrequited after all.

Maybe this was his queue to stop being a pussy and just confess, but he would rather just treasure the moment and think about that at a later time. Besides, if he was to try and spit something out now, it would probably kill the vibe and he would most likely chicken out anyway, so really, there wasn't any benefit to growing some balls after all.

Except, maybe, the date being less platonic.

But what if platonic was all it was ever meant to be?

Mikey didn't know, but he was hoping that things would get slightly more homosexual soon. And maybe if he was lucky then it would work out.

school is killing me and i only had like 3 hours of sleep last night Love Life!
wbu kids how are u doing let me know im interested
anyway thank u for 400 reads thats so cool
love u all,
ry xo

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