xiii ; "are you wet for me, mikeyway?"

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To say that Mikey was only slightly clumsy would be the understatement of the century.

If you knew him, he would easily qualify as the clumsiest person in your life, as the amount of unintentionally ridiculous accidents he had managed to gotten into was uncountable; horribly high, most likely too high to be considered normal.

For a smart person, Mikey wasn't all that smart in regards to dodging bullets. He was school smart - not 'street' smart. Actually, maybe he wasn't all that school smart, because most of his clumsy incidents happened at school.

His most recent (only two periods ago. What a shame it wasn't an over exaggeration, huh?) had occurred when he had spilt some kind of acidic shit on the workbench in Chemistry. Seems only a small deal, but he was put on Miss Jackson's 'Wall of Shame' for it, thus earning him a detention at lunch - his first one in a good few years.

So there he sat in the allocated detention room, all alone, lost in thought, sitting in the silence he had brought upon himself.

He wasn't entirely sure how long had passed (the clock in the room had stopped working a few months ago and quite frankly the school were either too ignorant to notice or not bothered enough about it to care) when he began to grow thirsty, because it was suffocatingly warm in the room, and fuck, hydration was important, alright?

He wasn't sure where the nearest tap was, though, and that seemed to be a problem in that situation, considering one would come in kind of handy, maybe? Hm?

But Miss Jackson had been gone for, like, half an hour, and most likely wasn't coming back any time soon, and so Mikey took a leap of faith and just left the fucking classroom, because one small step for Mikeykind, one giant leap for humankind, or whatever.

He had never been fond of the school's hallways; despite having been a student at the school for 5 years now, he was still confused by all the twists and turns. You would think he would've learned his way around by now, but he never really felt like exploring the school fully, and only tended to stick to the places he absolutely needed to be.

And so he mindlessly roamed the corridors, checking each corner to see if a teacher was there before going round it, and bloody hell, this wasn't even about finding a tap anymore, it was about him feeling almost like a fucking spy. Sneaking around was kind of cool, he had found. That finding was probably mostly a result of his and Pete's recent activities.

Okay, 'activities' made it sound a lot less platonic and a lot more suggestive than the situation actually was - because it was seriously merely a 'no homo' kind of relationship between them, despite Mikey's apparent hatred for it.

And maybe he should just drop the thought, because getting distracted by cute boys wasn't a fantastic idea whilst he was supposed to be tracking down a tap.


In the end, it took Mikey another few minutes to find the nearest bathroom.

He pulled out his water bottle and filled it up, turning the tap off afterwards. He sighed, preparing to put the lid back on, and suddenly, out of the blue, the bathroom door swung open.

"Fancy seeing you here, eh?" A voice, Pete's voice, said, and it shocked Mikey so much he actually fucking dropped his water bottle, getting water all over him, and he groaned, frustrated at embarrassing himself in front of Pete.

He picked it up and turned around, only to find that Pete wasn't alone. He was standing next to another boy, one he hadn't seen before, but from what he had learnt from Pete, it seemed as though it was Ryan.

"What are you doing here?" Mikey questioned, wanting to spontaneously combust on the spot, because goddamn, he was still dripping wet, and he was getting uncomfortable (his clothes were clinging to him more and more as moments passed) and Ryan looked as though he was about to burst out laughing. Pete simply seemed flustered.

"I could ask you the same thing, damp damsel," Pete said in amusement of the situation.

"Detention. Got thirsty. And yourself?"

"Same, though I admit, I'm not thirsty, just bunking," Pete said, and Ryan nodded in agreement to confirm he had the same reason.

There was a silence before Ryan spoke up. "I don't believe we've met before. I'm Ryan," he held out his hand.

"Mikey," he replied, shaking it in response.

"I know. Pete's told me quite a bit about you, you know, all goo-"

"Ryan, shut up," Pete interjected, clearly abashed from what Ryan had said, or at least had started to say.

"No, he can carry on," Mikey said, taking a sudden interest in Ryan, and in that moment, he decided that he quite liked Ryan, although he was admittedly kind of shady.

"No, let's change topics. So, you seem kind of moist. Are you wet for me, Mikeyway?" Pete said his name kind of as one word, and it made Mikey blush, along with the inappropriate comment that went with it.

"Fuck off," he mumbled sheepishly, Ryan bursting into laughter at the same time, and yeah, maybe he regretted his earlier decision of liking the boy.

Did this count as a more homosexual moment between the two? Because really, this wasn't what Mikey meant by 'yeah, I could really benefit from a less platonic moment with Pete'.

"So I should probably be getting back to detention now," Mikey commented, though he really didn't care about that - he was just looking for an excuse to leave the awkwardness behind.

"Yeah, good idea. See you later, Mikes," he said, and Mikey nodded before leaving the room.

Not a second after he left, Ryan commented on the situation. "Dude, you're so whipped."

"Quiet! He literally just left, he can probably hear us!" Pete protested.

"Ah, whatever. But the way you were staring at him, man. That's the way I look at, like, food. Or porn. You really like him, huh?"

"Yeah. I do," Pete couldn't deny it. But had be really been that obvious? Could Mikey tell?

He bloody hoped not, but why get your hopes high for no reason, eh?

over 1k words again im on a roll kids
anyway hope u enjoyed i kinda hate the plotline but ¯\_()_/¯
love yall,

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