iv ; rebellion and questioning

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Mikey had never been one to do anything 'rebellious', or, as his mother had called it, 'attention seeker-ish', but there was a first time for everything, after all. He felt quite guilty, if he was being honest - going against everything he had known and had been raised to avoid wasn't exactly something he had expected himself to ever do, and he felt as though he was betraying his parents, even if Pete had assured him that they were assholes, and that he didn't need to worry, because everything would be fine. Pete's words had reassured Mikey, but there was still that feeling of guilt and betrayal there, whether he liked it or not.

Considering his previously mentioned feelings, Mikey's next question surprised him quite a lot, and he was certain it surprised Pete, too, because it felt out of character for him.

"Can I try one? A cigarette, I mean," he said, and he was shocked that his words had came out so clearly, because he really thought he would stumble over them and make a fool of himself.

"Sure," Pete responded, tossing his lighter and his packet of smokes at him.

Smoking was weird, Mikey had decided. Weird, but he liked it. He coughed quite a large amount at first, but he knew that it was normal to do so when it was your first time, so he brushed it off, inhaling again. Pete laughed a bit at how inexperienced he was, and if he hadn't have been choking at the time, he knew he would've laughed, too.

Mikey felt his phone vibrate from in his pocket. dude, where are you? - from Ray.

cutting class, he responded.

well that's a first

not gonna be the last, either

really? who are you and what've you done with mikey

i'm his kidnapper, Mikey joked. He sent another one a few seconds later, also, which read but seriously dude get off your phone and pay attention, which was kind of controversial considering he wasn't even in class himself.


The moment Mikey set foot in his house, he was interrogated by his brother.

"Frank tells me you skipped fifth period. He heard it from Ray. This true?" Gerard said. "Wait, you smell of smoke. Why do you smell of smoke? Are you okay?" He rambled, and although he was grateful to have a brother who cared so much about his well-being, his rambling did get kind of annoying, and so he cut him off.

"Gee, I'm fine. I did skip, and I did smoke, but I'm fine," Mikey reassured him.

"That's so unlike you, Mikey. What's gotten into you?"

Mikey shrugged. "Wanted to try something new," he said, and his statement wasn't entirely true, but it wasn't exactly a lie, either. He did want to try something new, but that wasn't the whole reason behind his recent activities with Pete. Gerard raised an eyebrow, as if to say 'I need more convincing'. "For once I wanted to do something for myself, and not for other people," he continued. "Pete helped me realise that I need to live my own life."

"Who is this Pete guy? Pete Wentz?"

"Yeah, him."

"You know, he has a bit of a reputation for being a troublemaker. I'm not saying he's a bad kid, but please be careful."

Mikey smiled. "I will, don't worry. Love you, big brother."

"Love you too, little brother."


Pete Wentz wasn't usually one to develop a crush, but when he did, it was on Mikey Way.

He figured it was inevitable after spending quite a lot of time with him over the course of a few days, and with them liking a lot of the same things, and him being so goddamn cute, it was impossible not to crush on him. Although it hadn't been that long, he had gotten to know Mikey really well, because most of their conversations revolved around Mikey's habits and traits.

His thoughts were kind of messy in that moment, and he wasn't quite sure what to make of anything, except the fact that he most definitely wasn't straight, and that was weird to him, because he simultaneously didn't see it coming and yet he had also expected it all along.

Crushing was weird for Pete, because he didn't really ever seem to develop crushes on anyone he wasn't relatively close to, and he reckoned there was probably some kind of term for that, so he figured he would google it later, or maybe ask Mikey, because Mikey was intelligent, and he probably knew about that kind of thing. But then again, the issue revolved around Mikey, so asking him would be kind of tricky, so he eventually decided upon google.

Demisexual. That was a term Pete had never heard of before, but looking at the definition, he seemed to fit it perfectly. That made him feel relieved, because he had figured himself out, but also scared, because he now had to come out to some people, and he was nervous even just thinking of it.

Nerves and stress were not Pete's friends, to put it lightly. He would take his stress out on himself, and he knew that it was bad to do so, but then again, a lot of the things he did were, and he was fine, so he figured that he would be okay.

Pete was one to overworry about things, and with LGBT+ identities still being shamed to this day, Pete wasn't exactly thrilled by the thought of someone he cared about not being accepting of him. He was nervous to the point where words couldn't even describe it, but Pete didn't like the idea of bottling things up, so he convinced himself to suck it up and tell someone.

mikes, can i tell u smth? He texted.

yeah sure

i think i'm demisexual

that's fine, Mikey replied, and Pete smiled. All was good so far.


there were three scenes in this one instead of two :0

i'm ill and i didn't go to school so i wrote this instead lol

this was so messy i promise the next one will be better Bye

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