x ; mikey way's uncomfortable sofa

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The moment Pete woke up he knew he had messed things up even worse than necessary.

His head hurt more than he could possibly articulate. The pain was overpowering - something he'd never quite experienced before. His eyes hurt to open; even mere daylight coming from the windows in the living room of Mikey's house seemed too bright not to blind him a bit. He ached a considerate amount - possibly from walking? Did he walk around a lot? He wasn't aware.

The events of the previous night slipped his mind completely, and he didn't know why he had ended up on Mikey's couch, because the last thing he remembered before regretfully getting drunk was having an argument with him. Did it just so happen that they had made up whilst he wasn't even aware of his own action and state?

All he knew was that he had skipped (again, which went against their deal), which had caused Mikey to get mad, and he had been a coward and walked out, and unable to deal with his emotions properly, he decided to get drunk. What a wild life he lived, right?

But above all, so many unanswered questions were still left running through his mind. He would have to ask Mikey about that when he regained his strength to actually get up off of the sofa.

Quite a tragic position, really, because the sofa wasn't even that comfortable, in fact, maybe that was why Pete felt achy - the sofa seemed to make quite an insupportable bed, and Pete reckoned he'd probably have a more pleasant night sleeping on the damn floor. In fact, maybe his best option at this point would be to just roll over, thus leaving him on the floor. And maybe he would go through with it in a little while, but for now, he was almost content with the sofa, and that was enough motivation to stay there, so he closed his eyes, and made an attempt to fall back to sleep.


"Wake up, sleepyhead," Mikey whispered, gently shaking Pete - enough so that he would feel it and awake, but not enough to make him fall off the sofa.

Pete groaned. "Fuck off," he grumbled, pulling the blanket further up, so it was positioned in a way that covered the entirety of his body, besides his head.

"Not a morning person, I see?" Mikey teased lightly, continuing to shake him. "C'mon, I got you some of those headache tablet things, that'll help."

"Thank you," Pete said, slowly and carefully sitting up. Mikey handed him the tablets and a glass of water.

The two sat in a strangely comfortable silence for a short while, Pete sipping on his drink throughout this.

"How much do you remember?" Mikey asked.

"Up until we argued," Pete said, then paused for a moment, as if to debate if he should say the words he had planned out in his head. "Sorry about that, by the way," he added.

"It's fine," Mikey smiled. "Admittedly, we both probably overreacted. It was such a small deal, but I guess it meant a lot to me, because you were the first person who ever properly listened to me, but then..."

"I didn't listen?" Pete chimed in, and Mikey nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, that must've sucked. Don't blame yourself, Mikes, it was my fault. I was a dick."

"Apology accepted. Anything else you wanna add?"

"Yeah, actually," Pete said, and Mikey raised an eyebrow, as if to say 'go on'. "Buy a new fucking sofa. Yours is uncomfortable as hell."

"Hmm, maybe. I'll look into it."

"You're the best, Mikes."

"I do try."


Pete left at around lunchtime. Mikey thought that the house felt empty without him.

He had a smile on his face, though, because fuck, he was happy things were resolved, and it seemed that Gerard had caught on this fact, because he was questioning him about it the moment he got back home from God knows where he was out all night at.

"What brings that bigass smile to your face, Mikey?"

"I don't know, but what brings you back from your outings so late?"

"I asked first," and pulling that card may have been quite a childish move, but it always worked. Always.

"Pete. Your turn," he deadpanned.

"Elaborate," Gerard requested, clearly trying to get out of telling Mikey where he was. Sneaky bastard.

"Not until you tell me at least who you were with," Mikey shot back.

Gerard was a stubborn bitch. Mikey had learnt that through the hard way. He had put up with it his whole life, and from that he knew that Gerard wasn't going to give in and confess any time soon. That is, not without blackmail.

Ah, blackmail. Mikey's secret weapon that has been his saviour throughout his many years of living with Gerard. Whatever would he do without it?

"I'll force you to do the dishes for the whole of next month. And I'll steal and hide your house key so you won't be able to go out to your mystery destination," Mikey said, smirking, knowing he would crack.

Gerard cursed under his breath and sighed. "Fine. I was at this party that Frank invited me to."

"Frank? As in Iero? As in one of my good friends? As in the one wh-" Mikey questioned, but was cut off by Gerard.

"Yes, that Frank,"he confirmed.

"Holy fuck."

"Shut up! It's literally not even a big deal," Gerard tried to shut Mikey up.

"It totally is, big brother!" Mikey teased, lightly punching his arm.

Gerard groaned. "I hate you so much. I really do."

"Love you too, Gee."

??? implied frerard nice
anyway hope yall enjoyed this tbh i didnt proofread and i spent next to no time writing it
im still giddy over fob
also ,, vote? comment? idk lmao
- ya fav meme ry

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