xiv ; dunno what to call this but it's a shitty filler anyway

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What was one supposed to do when a conversation not meant for your ears is overheard?

In Mikey's life, this incident had never happened before, so he never had anything to worry about. That is, until now, when Ryan Ross and his big mouth allowed him to hear what he was saying to Pete, and he could pretty much figure out the rest, and oh holy hell.

Pete, as in his crush, you know, the 'platonic' best friend, actually liked him.

What. The. Fuck.

How was Mikey desirable, though? He reckoned he was probably the least most desirable person to ever walk this damn planet, and he couldn't understand why Pete felt that way about him.

Not that he was complaining, exactly. He was just... confused? Was that the right word?

Yeah. It would suffice.

But anyway, Mikey didn't know what to do, and it was stressing him out.

Was he supposed to talk to Pete about it? Pretend he knew nothing? Dismiss it like it never happened? Act on it?

There should be some kind of guide on this. 'What to do in relationships: the extended information piece for dummies. Specially made for Mikey Way when he does something stupid'. Maybe it was too long to be considered even slightly catchy, but hey, if it helped Mikey, it wasn't an issue.

But he supposed he would eventually figure out what to say or do, because he had school tomorrow, which meant at least one guaranteed conversation with Pete, which meant talking, which meant the possibility of giving himself away.

He didn't particularly want a conversation with Pete where he spat out something he didn't mean to; "hey, Pete! Hope you had a good weekend! Let's date - I overheard your conversation with Ryan!"

Yeah... he reckoned that maybe wouldn't go down very well.

Although, it was Pete, and Pete was the most unpredictable human being in the world (without a single doubt whatsoever), and who knew how he would end up reacting to anything, honestly. So maybe it could go well, (to a certain extent, at least) you never know. But Mikey doubted it regardless of that.

Pete was complicated, to say the least. But maybe that was entirely why Mikey was so intrigued and attracted to him. He was a mystery - one that Mikey had only partly solved, and one day in the future he hoped to complete that job. Get to know him inside out. Know all the little details in his personality; how he acts, speaks, thinks.

Mikey wanted to know.

But first of all, he had to confront Pete about what he had overheard in the school toilets.

And though he was reluctant, he knew he had to.


"Really not feeling this early morning," Mikey said to himself, groaning. Walking the journey to school wasn't fun during the colder months, because the cool air blowing against him left an unpleasant chill that ran through him.

It was almost as if the cold weather froze his motivation, preventing him from being bothered to live through another day of learning.

Mikey reckoned he'd rather be frozen himself than actually attend the day of school and face talking to Pete.

He was partly excited for it, however - it was Pete, and he always looked forward to talking to Pete, whether the conversation may be light-hearted or serious or nerve-wracking.

But nonetheless, he would definitely rather endure the inevitable at, like, 3pm instead of 8am. He would probably have more control over what he was saying at that time, anyway, considering the fact that when he was tired he didn't really know half the shit that came out of his mouth. So yeah, maybe 3pm was the safer route to go for.

So now Mikey just had to make it through the day without mentioning anything about the conversation, and then somehow bring it up afterwards.

Couldn't be that hard, right?


this was literally under 700 words, my apologies
i dknt have an excuse tbh im just lazy
i have written some oneshots to make up for it tho ?? theyre on my profile if u wanna hmu
anyway have a nice day and happy 6 years since dan n phil first met
- xoriley

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