3-Stumbles, Busts, and Kidnappings

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"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Alli practically screamed. I yawned. "I don't know. I thought it would be better if I thought it over and not read too much into it." 

"Oh, I am so going with you." 

I sighed before yawning again. "I was supposed to meet him yesterday."

"Why didn't you?" Alli screeched. I covered my ears. "Please, Alli, I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm getting a headache."

"Whatever," Alli said, crossing her arms, her lip poking out in an adorable pout. 

The truth was, I was afraid. Afraid of what, I didn't know.

We ducked into class and took our seats; mine across from the tawny haired boy, Alli's across the room. 

I sat down quietly and waited for Mrs. Friedman to show up. 

Unlike before, Tawny turned around without hesitation. Before he could say anything, I asked, "What is your name because in my head I'm starting to call you Tawny. Or maybe Umber sounds better." 

He didn't smile, but I could see the amused light in his eyes. "You can call me Nathan." He held out his hand and I took it. "Mrs. Friedman calls me Penelope but I look Penny better." He shrugged. "It is better than Nathaniel," he shuddered theatrically. I smiled.  

His dissipated as he watched me. "You didn't meet me yesterday during lunch. You don't understand. It's important for you to know." 

"No, Mr. Phiel, what I have to teach you today is important for you to know. We will be having a test on this information Friday and it will be brought up all through the year. So you may want to take notes," Mrs. Friedman said, placing her hands on her desk, her cold, grey eyes resting on me. 

Ah, hell.

"I know she has it out for me, Alli. Did you see the way she looked at me this morning?" Allison shrugged. 

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Who's been screwing with you?" She shook her head. "It's nothing," she said quietly.

"Alli, are you okay?" 

She turned away, but not fast enough. "The bell's going to ring soon."

"For lunch?"

She shook her head and turned away. "I'll text you later." I watched her walk away. What had scared her so bad that she was afraid to even talk to me? 

Wam! I fell on my butt hard. "Watch it, bitch!"

I looked over, and sitting across for me on her own rump was Elle Louis in all her plastic glory. She was platinum blonde with stunning, green eyes. Those eyes were as shallow as the swamp water they resembled. She used those eyes and her silicon boobs to get whatever she wanted. 

Her mouth fell open when she saw me, the first real expression I saw on her face since the second grade. She stood quickly and dusted herself off. 

"Looking down at your feet to make sure you don't trip, Cross? Be more careful."

"Maybe if you could see your own feet you wouldn't have to worry about mine." 

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