23-The Final Battle

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I awoke with the morning sun in my face, and I knew immediately that something was wrong.

I sat up quickly, and looked around. Nothing was out of place, but Edon wasn't beside me. I strained my ears to hear, but all was quiet.

I jumped out of bed and down the stairs.

"Hello?" I called. Panic tinged my voice. I could hear voices emanating from the lounge. I hurried toward them.

"No, I will not! Just let me talk to her and I'll leave."


Alli looked from Nehemiah's intimidating form in front of her, and turned to me.

Her expression relaxed into one of relief. "Penny, I've been trying to call you and the Rutherfords but no one knows what to tell me! I've been so worried! Why haven't you called me back?"

"Alli, you can't be here."

"Yes, that's what everybody keeps telling me, but so help me, Penny, I will not leave until you explain to me what's really going on!"

I looked into her baby blue eyes. She looked hurt and worried. I glanced around the room at the others. Their gazes gave nothing away. This was completely my decision.

I took a deep breath and met her gaze.

"Allison, what I'm about to tell you will be hard to believe. I think you should sit down for this."

Alli placed her hands on her hips. "I'm not sitting down. Just tell me."

"Fine, then I'll sit."

I backed into a chair and sat. Allison and the others kept to their feet.

"I've lived in foster homes all my life because I didn't have the luxury of knowing my parents. Recently, I found out that it was meant to be that way all along."

Alli dropped her hands from her hips, her eyebrows furrowing.

"What do you mean?"

"I was placed in the hospital nursery by my mother−"

Alli's eyes widened and she rushed forward and took my hands, sitting beside me and smiling at me widely. "That's great, Penny! Now you know!"

I bit the inside of my cheek, looking around the room again. I was getting no help here.

"Allison, you're not listening. I was put in that nursery because it was my destiny to be found by some nurse, and eventually to be found by these guys," I gestured to the angels. "They came with a message, a message from God that I am to be the world's second savior. I am Nephilim, half angel and half human.

"My mother was the angel of conception, sent to earth to find my father to sire me. They are angels, Alli. And even, Edon, by some chance or maybe by fate, is descended from Nephil blood.

"It isn't safe for you to be here. There is an evil angel named Akron, who was one of the Grigori, the fallen ones, who wants to create hell on earth, and I'm its only hope."

I stopped and assessed her expression. She seemed horror-struck.

She slipped her hands from mine and stood slowly. "What are you saying, Penny?"

"I'm saying that it's not safe for you here. Akron could show up at any time and I don't want you to be around when he does."

She looked completely hurt, as if I had actually stabbed her in the back.

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