Chapter 13

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A Thug's Only Love: Chapter 13

~Chanelle P.O.V.~
~September 14th~

I had completely forgotten to mention what had happened when my Mom came home from work the day I called her and told her the news.

To sum it all up. My Mom was yelling, saying I ruined my life, now life is only going to be more stressful and she was really disappointed with me. After a little while, she cooled off and we came to the conclusion that I had to keep up with school and taking care of the new born if I was to stay at my Mom's house. I would be a fool to deny such a deal so that's where I stand as far as the living arrangements with the new born.

Now that we got that situated, I was currently sitting on my bed doing some history homework. Jay and BV were downstairs chilling with a few of their other friends so it was pretty loud in the house.

I heard my phone vibrate against my wooden desk from across the room. At first I just ignored it and went back to focusing on my homework, until I heard another vibrate. I groaned but got up and walked over to my phone. I swiped the lock screen and saw I had a text from an unknown number.

9-14-13 -11:21 a.m. - [Unknown Number]: Hey...
9-14-13 -11:23 a.m. - Me: Hi, Um... who's this?

I wasn't all that alarmed so I sent a simple reply back and returned back to my bed so I could finish the rest of my homework. Since I had my phone with me, I might as well just play some music. I was hoping maybe my music would cancel out all the noise that was coming from downstairs.

~An Hour Later~

I finally finished all my homework and it dawned on me to check my messages. I had put my phone on silent so I wouldn't be distracted with other texts. I checked my messages and saw I had 4 texts from the unknown number.

9-14-13 - 11:25 a.m. - [Unknown Number]: its DeAnte...
9-14-13 - 11:39 a.m. - [Unknown Number]: look, I know what I did was bad but Chanelle I need you. I miss you. I took you for granted and treated you awfully. I know I cheated on you every time you took me back. I'm sorry but can you please give me one more chance?
9-14-13 - 11:54 a.m. - [Unknown Number]: Chanelle?
9-14-13 - 12:02 p.m. - [Unknown Number]: Please Chanelle.

I stared at the messages in complete shock. DeAnte is my ex. He was a terrible boyfriend and I completely regret every time I took him back and gave him another chance, which was a lot. I screen shot the texts and sent them to Riley.

That was just too funny; He thinks I'm gonna take him back? ...Fuck no. Even if I wasn't pregnant or wasn't with Lexis; I still wouldn't take his low life sorry ass back. I learned my lesson with him.

~Riley P.O.V.~

I was watching TV with Ryan, yup the one and only Ryan. I had gotten a text from Nelle and saw she had sent me screen shots. I looked at the screen shots and started bursting with laughter. I didn't like DeAnte cause he was a dick, like straight up, so for him to text her all that bullshit, that was just too damn funny.

"What's so funny?" Ryan asked as he turned over my way.

"My girl's ex trynna get her back but she already moved on." I said as I was still laughing.

"Oh." He said as he turned back to look at the TV. I wanted to tell Ryan how I felt about him, but I wasn't sure how he was gonna react to it. I decided to just tell him.

"Ryan...I kinda want to tell you something." I said shyly looking at him.

"Aight, tell me." He said with a little smile appearing on his face.

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