Chapter 23

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A Thug's Only Love: Chapter 23

~Lexis P.O.V.~
~November 17th~

"Ryan? What the fuck are you doing? "I said as I pointed my gun to him.

"I had to leave gangs. A deal went wrong and I had to leave. I left but the gang I dealt with caught me and brought me here." He said without even moving the slightest muscle.

"Where is Nelle." I asked again. My patience was growing very thin at this point.

"She is with someone who she needed to be with." He said with a small laugh. He wouldn't look up at me, he kept his head low like a dog who knew he'd done something wrong.

"Arlie finish him." I said as I put my gun down and started to make my way to find where Nelle was.

I heard the gun shot and then heard Ryan's body fall and hit the ground hard.

"Pathetic. Shoot him a few more tomes and check his pulse. His ass wanted to leave? He has to leave the proper way." I said as I heard a few more rounds shot at him.

"Get the clean up crew to take both bodies. We can't leave any evidence." I said to Arlie who nodded his head and jogged out of the building.

"Lexis! We gotta go! We found Nelle but some guy took her out of the building! They're in a green Mercedes Benz!" Varo said from the second story. "We got Marcus, Jay and Vince already following them! Let's go!" He said as he ran down the stairs and out through the door to the black van.

We all piled into the van and sped off. We caught up with the other van and sure enough there was the Mercedes Benz. I don't know where they were headed but I had a gut feeling this could be some sort of trap.

~Chanelle P.O.V.~

I was forced to write that pathetic note. I couldn't force myself to so the guy who took me did. I still didn't know who he was but I knew he was too familiar. I had heard Varo's voice coming from outside the room. My heart was beating so fast with excitement at this point, finally this nightmare was going to be over.

That wasn't what happened.

My nightmare continued when the guy who took me pulled out his gun and aimed it at the door, I instantly felt my heart drop to the bottom most pit of my stomach as The door was kicked in and both Javier and Varo came charging in.

"Nelle!" They both yelled at once as they looked over at me.

"Get out ! It's a trap !" I yelled back. Within a split second I was caught right in the middle of a gun fight. Bullets were being shot everywhere as the smell of gun residue quickly filled the room. I was picked up and being taken outside. I was forced into a car and blind folded.

I heard the cars engine roar to life and I felt the momentum as the car sped off.

~Javier P.O.V.~

We almost had her. We were so close to being done with all this but I guess it still continues.

"Varo go tell Lexis. I'll tell Marcus, and Vince to come with me and follow the car." I said as we jogged out of the room.

Varo took off down the hall while I grabbed the other guys and we got in the van. We were going well over 80mph just to catch up to the car Nelle was in.

"Let's shoot the tires." Vince suggested. "Kinda risky but anything at this point is better than nothing and just following a car."

"Alright, open the sun roof and be careful. Remember Nelle's in the car." I said without taking my eyes off the Mercedes. Vince propped himself through the sun roof. I was trying to drive as straight as I could so he wouldn't have trouble with his aim. When he was steady enough and lined up I heard the shot and watched as it hit the back left tire. i started to slow down as the car swerved out of control.

~Chanelle P.O.V.~

I heard another gun shot and within a few split seconds I felt the the car started to swerve. I managed to slip my hands out of the rope and pull off the blind fold. I saw who kidnapped me.

It was DeAnte.

"DeAnte what the fuck?! Have you lost your mind?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I watched the world around me slur into a jumble of colors.

"Chanelle I need you back! If this was what it meant then so be it! Plus your boy owed my gang money!" He yelled back. Finally the car swerved, hit a tree and next thing I knew, the car was engulfed in an inferno.

~Lexis P.O.V.~

My heart seemed to have seized to beat as I saw the car swerve and was swallowed up by flames.

"Arlie call 911!" I didn't give a fuck about what my doctors said to me. I ran to the car and pulled out Nelle. I felt the heat right against my skin as flames delicately touched my skin. I was coughing uncontrollably as soot began to fill my lungs. It was hard to breathe but I managed to pull her to the door.

I carefully picked her up bridal style and brought her to our van. I held her tight in my arms and just wanted to cry at the sight of Nelle. Jay came sprinting over to take a closer look.

"Oh my God." Were the only words that came out of his mouth as he looked with eyes full of hurt and confusion.

Within a few minutes Highway Patrol and an ambulance arrived and took her away on a stretcher.

All that was on my mind at this point was: I don't know what I would do if Nelle died.

"We need to get to the hospital. Fuck the car, fuck the driver, we need to go." Jay said. We got in the cars and followed the ambulance to the nearest hospital.


We arrived and were now all sitting in the waiting room waiting for a nurse or doctor to come out and tell us what was wrong with Nelle. At this point, Jay wasn't even in the waiting room anymore. He said he couldn't stand being in the waiting room, it was all too much for him to know his sister was in the ICU.


"Family for Chanelle Santos." The doctor called after what seemed liked years. We all stood up and greeted the doctor.

"She's in a stable-like condition. She had only a few minor burns but she does show she's had some head trauma. We induced a coma to help allow the swelling in her brain go down. She is going to be transported to her registered hospital." He said as looked down at his clipboard. We all just nodded our heads and shook his head before he descended back down the hall he came from.

I just wanted to drop to my knees and cry till I literally had no more tears. I couldn't cope with this but I know I had to.

A nurse came back to the waiting room and told us where Nelle's room was. I followed the nurse down the hall till I found Nelle's room. I took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself for the worst before I opened the door and there she was. She laid there looking more dead than alive. She was breathing so slowly it didn't even look like she was breathing at all.

I walked up to the side of her bed and took a good look at her once young and pure face; Her face looked nothing like before, it looked more like she had aged by about 40 years.

Her loose curly hair was now all tangled and had some dried blood that clung to her curls. I softly caressed her cheek and it felt cold as ice. I fought the tears as they tried to creep up to my eyes.

"Chanelle, please pull through. I love you too much to live without you. You're my rock and my ride or die. I need you." I whispered lowly as I took a deep breath.

"Sir, we are going to be transferring her to her hospital. You can visit her there." The same nurse that I saw just a few minutes ago said.

"Everything will be okay Chanelle. I promise." I said just before I bent down to kiss her forehead.

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