Chapter 22

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A Thug's Only Love: Chapter 22

~Nelle P.O.V.~
~November 17th~

I slowly started to regain my consciousness.

When I was sure I was fully awake,I realized my arms were tied behind my back and my legs were tied to some chair I was sitting in. I tried my best to look around the cold dark room and it seemed like I was by myself. I was cold, scared And just wanted to at home with Lexis.

"You're finally awake?" A voice said from somewhere among the darkness. I frantically tried to look around and try to make out a least an outlined shadow of a body but it was just too dark for my eyes to properly adjust to.

I couldn't force myself to form any words as I sat there with fear taking over my body quickly. Who was this person? What did this person want with me? What could I have done to end up in this situation?

"Who are you?" I finally managed to choke out; trying to not allow the shakiness in my voice be noticeable.

"You don't need to know that right now." He said in a voice that sounded too familiar but it was one of those voices where I couldn't quite put a face or name to his voice just right off the bat.

"You're gonna do what I say or else." He said sounding much closer. I felt something cold with a few ridges pressed tightly against my neck. "Okay?"

"O-okay" I said with more trembling in my voice. I just wanted Lexis here to make all of this go away.

~Lexis P.O.V.~

After the guys helped me out, we were all standing around trying to figure out what the hell was going on and why Nelle was missing.

"How the fuck are we gonna find her?" Jay asked with anger more than present in his voice. He had a sense of sacredness but he was trying to hide it.

"Let's just get to the trap and load up. I found a new gang and their Trap is just along the outside of Oakland." Marcus said as he took a look at all our faces.

"Sounds good, lets go." I said as I carefully hopped back into the car. "One of you guys bring Nelle's car back to my crib or just drive it straight to the trap, I personally don't care, just as long as her car isn't here." BV nodded his head before hopping in Nelle's car.

We all drove and met up at the trap. Arlie helped me out the car and as we approached the main doors, there was a note taped to the door.

Come to this address if you want Nelle back in one piece. Don't bring any guns. '

I turned the note over and got the address but it didn't say who it was from. I noticed the note was typed so whoever is doing this, thought a lot into this than most people probably would have.

"What'd it say?" Javier asked as he walked up behind me.

"It said to go to this address and not to bring guns if I want Nelle back in one piece. So we need to gear the fuck up And hide the guns when we go." I handed him the note so he could see for himself. "Do you recognize the address at all?"

"Nope. Not at all."

After we were satisfied with what guns we chose and were dressed down with bullet proof vests, hidden under our sweatshirts of course, we headed out the back door to where the scrap cars were.

"Alright, let's roll out." We got in our black vans- They weren't registered and had no papers for 'em plus it allowed us to bring a lot more shit that we may need for later. We called a few other members from our gang and told them to meet us at the address that was printed on the note. We don't know who we're dealing with but if we needed back up, now we had it.

~Hours later~

This place was farther out of town than I imagined it would me. It was small, old, and rundown. I knew Oakland like the back of my hand but I've never seen this before. I didn't know who's gang was here but we were about to find out.

We made sure our guns were loaded, pulled our hoods up, and but our blood red bandanas on, so all that was visible were our eyes.

Arlie and I walked up to the door first, while Javier, Marcus, Jay, BV, and Varo went around the building. We kept our guns hidden under our sweatshirts in the waistband of our jeans or in our pockets of our sweatshirts; We weren't playin around with this gang or taking any kind of chances. I banged on the door and some guy opened up; He grinned with a sinister look but let us in.

"Glad to see you came by." A voice said as his words echoed off the big empty-like room. His footsteps were slow, calm, and steady.

"Where's Nelle at." I spat coldly as he stood in front of me. The lights were too dim for me to make a distinguishable face but his facial features looked oddly familiar.

"Oh" He extended out his arm and handed me some folded piece of paper. I looked over at Arlie and saw a just as confused look as mine. I grabbed the letter and unfolded it without wasting anymore time than I already was.


We can't be together anymore; I have no love for you and I need someone else in my life. I've moved on and you need to as well. Being with you only made me more and more unhappy as the days went by. I had love for you but it just isn't there anymore.

Good bye.

I just stood there confused. I kept re-reading the letter but it didn't add up at all. She was just at home with me a few hours ago and now she's saying she doesn't love me anymore?

"What did you do to her?" I snapped back at him with anger in my voice. I saw him slightly flinch at my reaction.

"Keep your temper under control Lexis. I'd hate for something bad to happen to her." An evil smirked formed on his face.

Our plan was for Arlie and I to go through the front door while the rest of the guys go through the back and search the house for Nelle. We heard the sound of gun fire come from one of the back rooms that startled us. The gang leader turned around and faced the direction of the sound. Arlie looked at me and I gave him the nod to not waste an opportunity. He pulled out his gun and held it right the gang leaders temple. I pulled out my gun and held it up.

"Tell us where she is, or I pull the trigger." Arlie said through clenched teeth. The guy who opened the door pulled out his gun and aimed it at Arlie. I quickly fired at him till he came crashing down onto the ground wincing in pain. I let loose another bullet to his skull till the room was once again silent.

I stepped closer and took a good look at who this gang leader was.

I stood there in complete shock.

It was Ryan.

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