Chapter 21

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A Thug's Only Love: Chapter 21

~Jay P.O.V.~

~November 17~

"BV, lets hit the club, I'm bringin' Kenzie with us."

"Dude why? She's hella annoying. But fine roll out at 7." BV said as he was grabbin' a bag of chips. I walked to the stairs and saw Nelle forgot a bag.

"Dude. Nelle forgot a bag. Fuckin' Dumbass. Lets drop it off at Lexis' house." I grabbed my keys and the bag and headed out the door to my car.

We drove silently over to Lexis' house. I haven't seen him since before he was shot so it would be chill to hang with him for a bit. We pulled up and we didn't see Nelle's car. That was a shocker cause you could see her car from like 8 blocks away. I grabbed the spare key and unlocked the door. I walked in and set Nelle's bag on the floor. It was hella quiet. I walked upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Nelle? Come in." He said.

"I ain't Nelle." I said laughing.

"Aye bro what's good?" He said. He didn't even as much as move a muscle.

"Nothin' Nelle forgot a bag of hers at the house. So I dropped it off. Where she at?" I looked around the room and didn't see any of her shit there.

"She hasn't been here since she left back to your house." He said.

"I'ma call her right quick." I called her phone and it went straight to voicemail. That was not like her at all. Her phone was always on during the day.

"No answer." I said as I looked down at my phone.

"Call the guys over." Lexis said. He looked tense, worried, and on edge. "Can y'all get me my meds from downstairs?" He asked.

"Yeah I got it." BV said as he headed back down the stairs.

"Alright they said they're on their way." I said to Lexis. I wasn't that worried cause Nelle was street smart. She knew how to take care of herself in bad situations. But as bro and sis we always know where we are. Its what our Mom taught us. I started to feel kinda tense.

~10 minutes later~

All the guys showed up. We were all sitting in the living room.

"Anyone heard from Nelle at all today?" I asked. Everyone shook their head 'no'.

"We're all gonna split up and drive around town till we find her." Lexis said. We shook our heads and split off in two's.

Lexis and Arlie went together, Javier and Varo went together, Marcus and Vince went together and of course BV and I.

~Lexis P.O.V.~

I was worried about Nelle. Being in the gang and having a girl can be dangerous. I was scared if another gang took her and killed her cause that's what usually happens when you're in a gang.

"Arlie. What is we don't find her?" I said looking out the window.

"Man, I bet she fine." He said not taking his eyes off the road.

"I hope you're right man." We drove passed her house to see if she pulled up there again, but we didn't see her car. We kept driving down the block till we reached the 7 eleven.

"Look! It's her car!" Arlie yelled. I looked up and there it was.

That monstrosity of a car she got was parked right there. We pulled up and Arlie got out. I was stuck in the car cause we left the damn crutches at the house.

"Man, she ain't in the car, and her phone ain't there either." He said with a look of hurt on his face as he walked back up to the car.

"I'ma call the guys and tell 'em to come here. You go and ask the clerk if he saw anything." I said to Arlie. He walked into the store and I called the guys. Arlie came back out and his face said it all.

"Clerk said he didn't see anything cause he was in the back." I sighed and hung my head low. I was scared and worried. Where was my Nelle? And is she okay?

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