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I screamed at who was at the door and when Fayth looked she screamed as well.

Jonnie looked at us like we were crazy. (Which we are) but ya.

"Hey girl!" That cute soft voice said.

"OMG CALUM I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I jumped up on him and Fayth was stairing at Luke. She waited a while before she hugged him.

"So who are these People?" Jonnie asked.

"Well, thats my bf, and thats Fayths bf!"

"You guys have boyfriends?"

"You have a fianće?"

He rolled his eyes and walked away.

Hes always been like that, wtf.

I sighed and looked at Cal as he chuckled.

"I missed you to Kae, actually missed you more than you can ever imagine!"

"Awe Cal, that's so sweet!" I gave him a peck on the lips and smiled.

"Isn't that the guy from the band you like?" My brother asked.

"Yeah it is, so what about it?"

"Nothing!" he walked away and my sister looked weirded out.

"Ew, love just sounds stupid..."

"You have a boyfriend Violet!"


"Your 8, but what ever." I giggled and Calum walked in.

"Nice decorations!" Cal chuckled.

"Uh, thanks!"


Later on at the party a few other people came and ya, we partied.

My friend Dominic came, I also sorta got a crush on him. But I can't say that now cause I got a boyfriend.

My friend I have known my whole life tho, Mckayla is here. She's awesome and I love her. But she has been a FAKE fan of 5SOS.

Like my friend Kimberly, she only likes Luke. I mean, I asked Kim so many questions about Luke, and she didn't even know Mama Liz. How do you not know Mama Liz?

Mckayla, I haven't seen her in forever so I really never asked. Haven't seen her since I was like 13, something like that. Geez, now I'm like 17.

Mckayla does have their album, but yeah. Other than that, I don't think she thinks Michael Ashton nor Calum is cute. I mean, if you're gonna call yourself a fan. Atleast don't call the others ugly and just Luke hot. And now that he is 19 and he has facial hair. I don't even think Kimberly nor Mckayla think Luke is hot. Like, wowzers.

And when people say "I hate when people assume I am a fake fan just 'cause i'm a Luke girl"

I for a fact know they are fake fans though. And yeah.


Hey sorry I have been lagging and this is really short. I have... Good reasons.
1) my phone broke so I have to use my mum's
2) I am very lazy
3) I ran outta idea's
Okay bye

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