Friday. The last day of the school week, the weekend was here, and luckily for you, tonight was a Blackhawks home game.
It was about 3:00, time to pick up four of your kids from their private school. You had already retrieved your 3 year old daughter from preschool, and now you had to go get all of your sons.
Jonathan and you had kids on the fairly early side. Christopher and Charlie were the eldest, 10 year old twins. Next was your 8 year old, Thomas, your 7 year old, Michael, and of course, your little girl, Claire.
You pulled up in the carline, and out from the school rushes your four rowdy sons. Christopher and Charlie of course push and shove each other over who gets shotgun. Thomas and Michael trial closely behind, their backpacks weighing them down a little.
"Charlie, you sat in the front this morning its Christopher's turn. BACKPACKS IN THE TRUNK BOYS." You said, shouting the last part since they were outside of the car.
Once everyone was settled in and buckled, you drove out of the school parking lot.
"Mom, you're not gonna believe what happened in gym today."
"I got a 100% on my spelling test, Mom!"
"Is dad home?"
"Mom whats for dinner?!"
You're boys all spoke over one another causing a very loud car ride. Nothing you weren't used to already, though. Boys will be boys.
"Michael, tell me what happened in gym later. Congratulations Tom!! No dad is not home right now, Charlie. He just left for the city to head to the UC. And probably chicken." You said, trying to answer everyone.
You started to give everyone the low-down and schedule of the night. You always had to do this, not because you were controlling, but your house would be complete chaos if you didn't.
"We are going to the game tonight, guys." All the boys cheered, and you continued. "We have to be out of the house by 5:30, its a 7:00 game and there will probably be traffic on the expressway. I need your boys to shower once we get home, and I'll get dinner ready. While you guys are eating I have to get Claire and myself ready. Everyone know the drill?" They all nodded and a few 'Yes Mom' to your previous explanation.
As you all piled out of your SUV and headed into the house, the boys put their backpacks on the rack, kicked their shoes off and went upstairs. Not without shoving each other into the wall, pretending to dangle one another, and beat each other up a little bit.
After finishing making dinner the boys were all washed and dressed, all that was left was for them to put on their Toews jersey, which you didn't let them wear while they ate.
You quickly gave Claire a bath, putting her long hair into pigtails, and added a bow.
After that, you finally got yourself ready, fixing your hair and putting on a little makeup, along with your outfit. As you were rushing around your master bedroom trying to clean up a little bit, you got a call from Jonathan.
"Hey babe! How are you?" You huffed into the phone trying not to sound as frantic as you were.
"I'm doing good! How are the kids? Is everyone excited?" he said sweetly, and you just knew he was grinning ear to ear on the other end.
"Oh of course they are. They loving watching you play." You tried to explain before you heard a crash coming from downstairs and you let out a desperate sigh.
"Someone just made a loud crash downstairs, I gotta go hon. Good luck tonight. I love you."
"I love you too baby."
You hung up the phone and grabbed your bag before running downstairs to check on your wild children.
"Can the two of you please get off the floor and go get your jerseys on. We're leaving soon." You said, referring to Christopher and Thomas who were on the floor wrestling one another.
Once everyone had on their various style Toews jerseys, you were out the door and on your way to the Mad House.
Tonight you had 6 regular tickets meaning no secluded box for the designated wives and girlfriends.
The boys LOVED when you got seats rather than the box, s you tried to snag some tickets as much as you could.
"Bless your soul honey! You've got 5 and you don't look a day over 21!" One lady said to you in between periods, that made you blush. You thanked her and she proceeded to ask a question.
"Now do you just really like Jonathan Toews or is he your husband or something?"
You let out a laugh before explaining that you and Jonathan were married and these were all of your kids. You turned Claire around to show the woman he jersey that said "DADDY" with a number 19 on the back and a C on the front. Claire doesn't know that the C stands for captain and she thinks it stands for Claire.
After the game, which the Hawks won 6-3 against Montreal, you gathered up your kids who were high on adrenaline right now, and made your way through the crowd and down to the locker room.
The doors to the locker room were shut but you could here some music blasting.
"Hey! Is everyone dressed in there?" You quickly asked the equipment manager as he emerged from the locker room.
He nodded his head yes and you gave all five of them the go ahead and they ran into the room running straight for Jonathan.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Claire shrieked as she jumped onto his lap where he was untying his skates.
The boys ran in and sat next to Jonathan, arguing over who got to sit closest and what not.
You followed closely behind, although you were't running like your kids.
"Hey Corey! How have you been?" You asked hugging one of your closest friends on the team.
"I've been great! Busy, but obviously not as busy as you!" He said motioning to your children.
"They are just a piece of work." You sighed, smiling.
You let all the kids have their time with Jonathan and the rest of the guys, not going over to your husband. You waited outside the locker room talking with other employees.
Once everyone was clearing out of the room, the last ones left were Jonathan and the kids, and Teuvo Teravainen.
You walked up to Jon, since he was ready to go and in his suit with his bag slung over his shoulder. He was holding Claire on his hip and had Christopher and Charlie carrying his sticks, while Thomas and Michael tried to both hold on to his one hand at the same time. He stopped when he got to you, letting go of the boys with his hands and bringing it to your face as he sweetly kissed you.
"EWWWW THAT IS SO GROSS!" All five of them screamed as they hid their eyes and you kissed him one last time to gross them out even more.
Teuvo laughed at the scene and patted the kids on the back saying "I know isn't it so gross?!
This literally took me so long and it sucks so much

NHL Imagines
FanfictionFeel free to request any player and scenario if you would like, and I will write an imagine!!