Elias Lindholm

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Requested by @amanndawn

You watched intently as the Carolina Hurricanes skated around for warmups, a few jokes and pranks here and there, making it more entertaining.

You were wearing your Lindholm jersey, white jeans, and cowboy boots, your long hair dropping over your shoulder.

You were sitting on the edge of your seat, leaning forward as close to the glass as possible, when all of a sudden, Elias skated up to you, resting his arm on the boards, and striking up a conversation.

"What's your name, beautiful? My name is Elias." He said sweetly in his thick Swedish accent.

"Y/N. It's nice to meet you."

And after that you two began talking about whatever you could to keep it going. Elias could stand there and talk to you through the glass all night, his coach however, had different plans. He had this evil look in his eye, Elias couldn't see since his back was toward the bench, so you gently tapped on the glass and said, "You better get back! Looks like coach is about to rip your head off."

"Can you meet me by the locker room after? I will let the security know you are with me." He said winking.

"Of course. Good luck." You kindly answered.


"Noooo keep teaching me! Don't give up!" You said desperate to the young Swede sitting in front of you at a froyo restaurant. After the game, you both decided on froyo and you've been there for two hours now. You were both pretty sure they were supposed to close like an hour ago, but the owner was the only person working in there, and she thought you two were the cutest things. She said you two reminded her of her and her husband when they were young.

"Okay okay! But you have to pronounce the ä like this when its followed by a consonant." He said in all seriousness.

You focused really hard and finally you pronounced a really hard phrase in Swedish!

"You did it! That was so good!" He said congratulating you.

Yawning, you looked at him and he smiled offering to take you home.

The car ride was fun. You two just seem to click.

When you reached your door, he held both your hands as he towers over your petite figure.

"This was amazing. I really like you, and I would love to get the chance to take you out again?" He said unsure.

"I would absolutely love that."

With that you kissed his cheek, but he turned his head so you kissed his lips.

"Whoops?" He smirked.

"Good night, Elias." You said

"Good night, Y/N." He responded back, waiting for you to get in safely and lock all your door. What a gentlemen. You really couldn't wait for your next date.

Authors Note!
Sorry if this is really bad and not what you wanted at all! Whoops?

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