Corey Crawford

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Just a typical Wednesday night in the Crawford house. It was 6:30, time to get Kendall, your four year old daughter, in the car to go pick up your nine year old son, James, from his hockey practice.

You got her out of the bath tub, making her giggle when you quickly dried her off calling it 'the speed dry'.

"Is daddy playing hockey tonight?" She asked you curiously as you quickly braided her long brown hair.

"Yes he is! Would you like to wear your Blackhawks bow tomorrow if Daddy wins?"

She nodded her head very quickly as you slipped on her boots and coat over her long sleeved princess pajamas.

"Time to go get your brother." you said under your breath as you turned on the DVD in the car and drove the 15 minutes to the local arena.


"Hey buddy! How was practice?" You said, looking in the rearview mirror at your son who just threw his equipment in the trunk of your SUV and sat down looking exhausted. (pretty sure that was a run on sentence, sorry for the awful writing)

"It was great, actually." He said, slipping on his headphones to join in on watching the movie with Kendall.


"Alright, James you know the drill. Kendall's chocolate milk sippy cup is in the fridge, go put her to bed please, I'm heating up your dinner. Don't forget Kitty! She's in the playroom!" You instructed your son. Kitty was Kendall's cat stuffed animal that Andrew Shaw got her for Christmas one year, and she can't go to sleep without her.

You knew James was on his way down the stairs as you heard him jump off of the last few steps and land on the wood floors, just as he always did.

"Food's on the table." You said as you ran into the living room to put the game on, where you and James could see it from your open concept kitchen area.

"All your homework done?" You asked James, raising an eyebrow, as he put his plate and cup in the sink.

"Yes, Mom. It's all done." He said with a hint of annoyance in his tone of voice.

"It's in between periods, go shower and I'll quiz you for your spelling test tomorrow." You told him as he ran up the stairs to go get ready for bed.

You on the other hand, went into yours and Corey's room to pick up some laundry and get your own pajamas on, after a long day.

The score was 2-0 headed into the third period and it was 8:30, time for James to go to bed.

Yes, he did very well studying for his spelling words and just like every night before he went to bed, you made him tell you what he did that day, but in French.

Corey and you established this rule because you definitely wanted your children to be bilingual since Corey was from Quebec, and with all your busy schedules, this was a great way to unwind and practice.

"...Je l'ai dit bonsoir à Kendall, et regardé papa jouer au hockey." He said furrowing his eyebrows a bit, just as he always did when he spoke in French. It was a little quirky habit he learned from Corey.

"Bon nuit, buddy, Je t'aime." You whispered, kissing his forehead and getting up.

"Je t'aime aussi mama."


The Blackhawks just beat the St. Louis Blues 3-0, and Corey had a shut out!

You were currently loading up the dishwasher and getting the kids' lunches all ready for tomorrow, waiting for Corey to come home.

Soon after, you heard the front door jiggle open and footsteps coming into the kitchen before Corey leaned on the counter.

"Hello Mrs. Crawford." He said, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Hello Mr. Shutout." You responded, giggling as he made his way over you, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you a sweet kiss as his tall frame towered over you.

"Can I drive James to school in the morning? I miss spending quality time with my little man" Corey asked out of nowhere as you brushed your hair and he washed his face in the bathroom.

"He usually takes the bus, but I'm sure he would love for his daddy to take him." You told him, before you gave him a kiss and got under the covers, turning off the lights.

"How was your night?" He said as you two got in the king sized bed.

"Just a typical Wednesday."

"I love you princess."

"I love you too Corey."

Author's Note!
Not even sure what this is???? I got this idea when I was helping my nieces shower and get ready for bed but it sounded a lot better in my head... And sorry it's so short...

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