Chapter 4

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I woke up, and rolled onto my side. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. This isn't my room. I blinked a little bit, and then looked around more. I started to remember, what all happened yesterday. I got up, and opened the door, to the bedroom. I heard, someone singing. It sounded like Ed. Now that I think of it, this is his house, so.. yeah. I was taken from my thoughts, when I ran into the wall. Luckily I didn't make a lot of noise. I rubbed my head, and slowly made my way around the corner, and saw him. I froze. He sat on the sofa with his guitar in his lap. He was leaning over it, and writing on a piece of paper. He looked normal, except for the fact that, HE HAD FUCKING WINGS! I stared in awe, for a moment, until my brain forced my body to move. I flew behind the wall. I peeked out again, and the wings were... gone. I stood up, and stared at him. My head involuntarily tilted to the side.

"E-Ed?" I said almost a whisper, because he wasn't singing or playing his guitar.

"Oh, Jesus," he jumped and looked at me, "You scared the shit out of me. Are you okay. You look like you've seen a ghost. "

"No ghost. Possibly and angel. "

The colour in his face, vanished.

"There's no such thing as angels, Pashan. "

"Then, how the fuck, do you explain, how I just saw wings on YOUR back?! Hmm?"

"You're tired. It happens, a lot."

"Oh my god. I know you're lying to me. Just please tell me I'm not crazy? "

He looked at me. The colour just starting to come back to his cheeks. He sat back down on the sofa, as I made my way down the stairs. He looked up at me, and patted the cushion next to him. I obeyed and walked over sitting next to him. He turned his body, so he could face me, and started to speak.

"Okay, For one. I want to say you're not crazy." He looked at his hands, and spoke again, "And Two. I have something you might want to see. "

He stood up, and took his shirt, at the hem a lifted it up. I looked at his stomach, in awe. He was amazing. His 'v' line was prominent. Though his stomach was slightly bumped, you could still see the outline of his abs. The tattoos he has on his arms, just added to the beautifulness. I looked at me, noticing my amazement, and chuckled.

"You like what you see?"

I giggled.

"What did you want to show me? Is this it?"

"No," he laughed, "Normally, people can't see this, unless they are close to death, or are babies. But, you're special."

I went to speak, but I paused when, he took his shoulders and moved them forward. His head fell backwards, just as a pair of wings, showed up. My hand flew over my mouth. I stared at him. He didn't look like a normal angel. He had no halo. He didn't look pure. But he was beautiful. He chuckled, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"What's funny?"

"Your face," he chuckled, "You look, like I did when this happened."

"So, are you dead?"

"No. Not exactly." He sat down next to me.

"Well, how are you an angel?"

"Well, my mum was an angel, and her and my father had me. Well, when I was around 15, my father died. That's when he found out about my mother."

I sat there listening to his story. It was kinda getting interesting.

"He found out because, he was so close to death, that he saw her wings. My mum says that he just stared at her. I mean, she was beautiful. but, when he died my mother, committed suicide. She did this 3 years ago."

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