Chapter 6 (part: 1)

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I started towards the washroom, and stopped at the door frame to the bedroom. I turned and looked in the room, thinking I saw something move, in the room. I saw nothing, so I walk further into the room. The floor creaked as I stepped from. the carpeted hallway to the hardwood flooring. I turned my head quickly as I saw the curtain move, and sway as if something had moved in front of it. I stared at the window for a moment, until I saw, something flash. I jumped backwards, and started towards the stair case. I screamed when I saw a figure standing in front of me. I fell backwards, and looked up at the figure standing over me.

"Pashan! Its just me! What happened?!"

"T-There's something outside the window."

He looked up towards the window.

"What did you see?"

"I was standing in the door frame, about where you are, and I saw something flash. It was red and really bright. Before I saw it I saw the curtain sway, like someone had came in through the window. "

"Shit." he mumbled. "I knew I felt something."

"What? What did you feel?"

"Just come with me. "

"I need cloths."

"We can come back. Just come on!"

I was in really small shorts, and a tanktop. And he is making me go outside. In London. In the middle of the morning. No way. I sat on the ground, not budging.

"Come on! Either you come or I'll carry you." He said, making note of the irritation in his voice.

I sat still. He huffed, and walked towards me. He picked me up in one arm, and tossed me over his shoulder. I slammed my fists against his back. When it didn't phase him, I gave up, and let him carry, me. He walked to the door, and pulled it open. he closed it behind him, and walked to the car. Once he opened the door, he sat me in the seat, and pulled the belt over me. I sat there in awe as he clicked the belt in place, and closed my door, quickly getting to his door, and getting in.

"What the fuck was that for?!"

I said with a hint of, unintentional, irritation.

"I told you. If you didn't come, I would carry you. And I did." He said, calmly, while starting the car, and beginning to pull out on the driveway. I stared at him for a moment before I said anything.

"Why did we have to leave?"

"I'll explain, when we get there."

"Where? Exactly." I said, noticing I've only asked question, for the last few minutes.

"We are going to my friends."


"What is this, twenty-twenty?"

I shut up. We sat in silence for a while. until he pulled into a driveway. He turned the car off, and immediately, climbed out coming to my door. He opened it and I climbed out. We made our way to the door, in front of the car. He knocked and right away, it opened. A tall dark hair, figure stood in front of the door. I stared for a moment, once my eyes adjusted, the figure turned into Kellin.

"Hey, Pashan."

He said sleepily.

"Kel, we need help."

"What happened?" He said. The sleepiness going away.

"He is back." he said, and Kellin, got this look of sheer terror, across his face. He moved out of the way, and Ed, grabbed my hand, leading me into the T.V. room of Kellin's flat. Ed lead me to a sofa, against the far wall, and gestures for me to sit down. I obeyed and he followed me, sitting beside me. Kellin, looked at me, and his eyes went big.

ED's P.O.V.

Kellin looked at, Pashan and his eyes went big. He looked at me.

"It can't be him. " I said, as he gave me a look.

"Damn it, Ed. She has it written across her dace for one. And two, its all that she can think about."

"Wait!" she yelled, " What the fuck does he mean, its all I can think about?!"

"He can read minds, Pashan. " I said. She went silent.

"Why, the hell, would he come back?"

I looked over to her.

"Because, he found something, important to me. He wants revenge."

She looked at me, and I could tell, she was scared.

"Why would he want revenge?" she asked. Her voice cracking from holding back tears. I looked to Kellin.

"Did he tell you about his father dieing?"

She nodded.

"Well, he didn't just die. He was murdered. "

She brought her hand to her mouth.

"He was a demon. And chose, John, as his target. When Ed, got revenge, he had sworn, he would get back at him. Its been like this, for over, 50 years."

"What how old are you, Ed?"

She looked to me. I was silent for a moment.

"I'm 112."

She brought her hand to her mouth, again, with a gasp.

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