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Ered Mithrin, 2733

  Years ago, in the Dwarven realm of Ered Mithrin, lived a noble dwarven family the Silverbeards.   Lord Farin, had just been appointed Lord of Ered Mithrin, and he soon married to his beloved, Elspeth.  Several months later,  Lady Elspeth discovered she is pregnant, and carrying twins, which twins are extremely rare among the dwarven race.   Several months later, Lady Elspeth gave birth to twin girls, whom they named Charmaine and Lydia.   As time went by,  and the girls grown older,  their nanny,  whom Lord Farin had hired to watch the girls, had discovered something else about the twins.  They both had magic.  One night, as the nanny, Arianna,  sat in the nursery to watch the girls play,  the Nanny saw Lydia pointing her finger at a ball, and the ball lifted off the ground in thin air!  Charmaine laughed, as Lydia had done this, but it shocked Arianna, as she bolted out of the nursery. 

  Arianna darted into the Throne Room, informing the Lord and Lady of Ered Mithrin of her discovery.  At first,  Farin didn't believe it, and he accused the Nanny of lying.  "My Lord, you have to believe me! I really saw it! If you want to see it for yourselves,  they are still awake! Come and see!" pleaded Arianna. "Very well. Lead us to the nursery!" said Lord Farin.  And so the Nanny lead them into the nursery, and they entered.  Once they entered the nursery, they could see the two girls playing, and to their shock and surprise, both girls are now floating in the air.  Lady Elspeth cried out, and fainted, and Lord Farin froze in shock and surprise.   Arianna revives Lady Elspeth from her fainting spell, and the two quickly left the room, as they began discussing what to do.  "No one is to know about their magical powers--if our people find out, we're going to be a disgrace of the kingdom!" said Lord Farin. "So what are we doing to do then?" asked Lady Elspeth. 

  "After their fifth birthday, we will send them away." said Lord Farin.  "Send them away!! Farin, you really can't mean that!! Those are my babies! You're not going to send them away!!" argued Elspeth. "What? And be accused of witch craft, dear?!  I'm only thinking of our safety, and their safety!" shot back the Dwarf Lord.  "Alright, so what are you suggesting we should do then?" said Lady Elspeth. "We're going to wait until after their fifth birthday to send them away!  In fact, I have an old friend, Gandalf the Grey who can help us on the matter!" said Farin.  "Alright, so we be it." said Lady Elspeth.  A few more years had passed, Lydia and Charmaine's fifth birthday, arrived.  and the birthday Feast ended up a great success, and of course Gandalf came to the Feast, as Lord Farin discussed with the wizard on the situation.   "So far, no one has found out yet, but later down the road, someone will find out, I hope you understand, Tharkun, that we're only doing this for their own safety!" said Lord Farin. "Alright, I will consider of helping you.  In two weeks time, I will return to take the twins to the Home of my friend Radagast the Brown.  I will discuss this with him first, and I will let you know his decision when I return!" said Gandalf.  Lord Farin nodded. 


  One week later..

   It wasn't only a week when something bad happened.   As Lydia and Charmaine are playing in their nursery under the supervision of their Nanny, Arianna,  things had been quite peaceful until Lady Elspeth came running into the room "Take the girls and leave the palace at once! We're under attack!" cried out Lady Elspeth. "Under attack?!" cried out Arianna.  "An army of orcs and goblins have attacked our home! Take the girls and leave quick! HURRY!" screamed Lady Elspeth.  Both twins had caught on to their fear in their mother's voice, and both began crying, as Arianna took the Princesses and they ran, as fast as possible out of the fortress as now it was up in flames from the orc's torches.      By the time they left the fortress, several arrows from the orcs flew towards Arianna,  striking her in the back, as she felt dead to the ground.  

 "NANA!!" cried out Lydia, as she flopped on top of Arianna's corpse.  Both girls wept in each other's arms, as they looked up a their home, now up in flames, destroyed by the orcs.  And both girls knew that their parents died s well from the sudden raid.   Suddenly, they could hear drum beats in the distance.  "Run! We need to run, they're coming!!" cried out Charmaine, and both girls began to run, as they could the movement of the orcs in the distance.   After running for several hours, they found a cave nearby, and they hide there for safety.    "What are we going to do now?" asked Lydia, sadly.  "I don't know, sister--I don't know!" said Charmaine quietly.  Suddenly, they could hear horse hooves.  "Lydia--sounds like horse hooves! Maybe its someone who can help us!" whispered Charmaine. "Char, we don't know who it is-it could be another orc!" protested Lydia. 

 "And how would you know that?" said Charmaine.  "Alright, I'll go and have a look!" said Lydia, as she stepped out of the cave, and she could see the horse and rider in the distance--and she instantly recognized it was Gandalf.   "GANDALF! GANDALF!!" cried out Lydia, waving her hands in the air.  Lydia? What is she doing out here?  And what is Charmaine doing out here as well?  thought the wizard,  as he rode closer to them.  "Girls, what are you doing out here by yourselves with adult supervision?" asked the wizard.   Lydia explained to the wizard of the horrible ordeal they went through.   Gandalf's eyes widened in shock and horror at hearing this. "My dears--I am so, so sorry! You have my deepest condolences! Come, I know someone who can take care of you! Hop on!" said the wizard.  "Uh--Gandalf, we need help!" said Lydia.  "Oh!" said Gandalf,   as he lifted them one by one on the horse, and they rode off to the home of Radagast the Brown. 

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