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The bugs in my ears, they squirm every time I try to scratch them out. I pick at them as they wiggle around in my ear drum, but they dig deeper and deeper. The person in the back of the school room stares at me once in a while for a short period of time and licks his lips. He wears a suit and he stands in the back all day. I never see him move a muscle. His horns are convincing enough that he doesn't belong here just like I don't. Mother tells me to not to talk to strangers but I once talked to the man in the back of the room and he holds up a contract and tells me to sign. They whisper in my ear not to sign to stay away, but something about this man tells me I should trust him. I scratch my head, "Sir, where do you come from?" His blood shot eyes stare into my soul and he just laughs and laughs. What kind of answer was that?

The voices in my head tell me to pay attention to the teacher, but all I can do is tap my pencil on the desk and play with it like it's some kind of puppet. I use my pencil to create a world I never have seen before except in my dreams. I listen to one voice whisper to me that to leave him alone. I say back, "I wasn't messing with you." The other students look at me like I am crazy so I go back to my business. I turn around and ask the person behind me what the teacher said and she looks up and her eyes were missing. I quickly spin back around and keep to myself. What if she is blind? After a few seconds, I look back to see if she really is blind, but this time her eyes were back. Whew! I thought she was a freak.

I rock back and forth trying to pay attention, but the voices in my head begin to sing the alphabet song. Once in a while I would mutter the letters with them while still rocking back and forth. Some of the students shush me from the side, but I keep on and stay put in my desk. They don't understand me. Because a student threw a paper plane at my head, I took it up and brought it to the teacher. The students begin to laugh like I don't know what's going on, but I know exactly what's happening. They are making fun of my polka-dotted pants and vibrant colored shirt plus my bow tie that slightly chokes my throat. I push my long brunette hair out of the way of my green eyes and look at the person who threw the plane at me. My long skinny finger points at the poor kid and yell aloud, "He crashed air force one!" The kids begin to laugh hysterically.

I find my way back to my seat and dust it off before taking my seat. The bell rings to dismiss class and I do nothing but put my hands on my ears and rock back and forth, back and forth. Once the bell is done harassing me, I unplug my ears and begin pulling out of my Star Wars backpack a lunch box with a note attached that reads, "Have a great lunch! Love Mommy." There is left a little kiss mark on the piece of paper to the corner. I open it and to my surprise there is a few extra pieces of candy in the box for dessert! Yes! Thank you mommy.

After lunch, I get up from my seat and head for the bathroom. During my walk through the hall a kid holds his foot out from an intersection and trips me. My knee impacts the ground and leaves a bruise as big as a golf ball on it. I cry a little before the nurse comes to my aid. I tell her what happened but she just put a band-aid on it and tells me to be a "big boy". I wipe my eyes clean and begin my journey back to the restroom. When I finally get to my destination, I look at the signs and notice they look awfully familiar so I went to the left one. Turns out that is for girls only, but I found that out the hard way after a shoe is thrown at my head. I jet out of there and head into the right one. I flush the toilet the voices in my head remind me to flush and wash my hands. I get out and the man from the class room is standing with a piece of paper in his hand, "Sign it." Another person drags me away from the man and I walk to the sink and put soap on my hands and begin washing. A kid from my first period class walks in and puts some soap in his hand and grabs me by the torso and shoves his whole hand in my mouth. I frantically try to jolt from his iron grip, but his massive amount of power does not weaken not even a little bit.

After being bullied from the bathroom, I finally make my way to my next period class but the principal stops me in the hallway for our daily conversation about what's happening around the school. I try telling him that the man in the back of the room is giving me the creeps, but he dismisses it and walks away smiling.

That whole day I go through a repeat of scratching the insects in my head, to listening to the voices, to the man in the back of the room luring me with his good looks, to being bullied every time I breathe. Finally I muster up my strength and walk up to the man in the back of the room and take the pen. I try to write my name on the paper, but he pulls back and says, "Poke your finger with the point and write your name in blood." I do as he said and it really hurt, but in the end it really felt good. I write my name on the paper and something changes. I don't know if it was the aura around the room or something else, but everything went dead silent. A burning sensation happens to be present on my neck and I try to scratch it and cover it with my hand, but it burns bright and hotter. What's happening to me? I scratch and scratch but the pain just keeps covering my body more and more.

The voices in my head grow louder as every second passes. They scream at me telling me so many harsh words. I'm useless and that I'm worthless and no one loves me. A blood curdling scream shouts into my ear and finally it all goes back to silence. Bugs begin to ooze out of my ears and I lose all control of my body. The students look at me like I'm bat shit insane and I yell out, "Leave me alone!" I run outside of the class room and down the hallway. I head for the stairs, but a kid rams into me and I trip over his books and crash into the window. My body falls backwards and I go tumbling down the fourth story building. I land head first on the ground and blood goes everywhere. The ground becomes one with me.

Goodbye poor world. Goodbye mommy. Goodbye everyone.

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